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Answer: Antarctica was in a warmer place before it drifted over the South Pole.

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Q: Coal deposits have also been found beneath the ice of Antarctica but coal only forms in warm swamps How could coal be found so near the south pole?
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What could explain the coal deposits in antarctica?

The coal deposits in Antarctica are explained by Pangaea where Antarctica was located next to South America, Africa, Australia, and India.

What could explain the existence of coal deposits in Antarctica?

When Antarctica was still a part of the super continent Gondwana, it was covered in forests and had warm coastal currents on its shores. As Antarctica separated from Gondwana and moved south, the waters cooled, the temperatures dropped, the forests disppeared, the land was covered in snow which was compacted into ice over time, all combining to create coal deposits.

Is the land covered by ice in Antarctica a sunken continent?

Some of Antarctica is below sea level, notably the continent beneath the South Pole. The ice is nearly two miles thick and the base of the ice could be below sea level.

What is under bedrock?

Bedrock is the layer of solid rock formations below the soil or underneath glacial drift in a particular area. The rock comprising bedrock could be sedimentary, igneous, or metamorphic.

What caused the Louisiana wetlands to decline or why are Louisiana's coastal wetlands diappearing at a dramtically high rate?

When the levees were built the Mississippi River could not overflow it's bank and mud settlement could not flood Louisiana swamps. Because of this the swamps could not be built up with mud. The swamps in Louisiana slowly settle and because there is no build up from the river the swamps are declining.

what could be a example of freshwater wetland?

Swamps and Marshes

What side is Antarctica on?

You could say that Antarctica is on the southern side -- of earth, that is.

Could you row a boat in Antarctica?

You could row in the seas around Antarctica, but you'd probably freeze to death.

Deposits of coal have been found beneath the ice of AntarcticaBut coal only forms in warm swampsUse Wegener's hypothesis to explain how coal could be found so near to the South Pole?

wegners idea was icecream and then football practice

How do you save antarctica?

We could try and help Antarctica by not poluting in the Atlantic Seas.

What could be lost in antarctica?

Anything and everything could be lost in Antarctica, as it is possible to lose anything and everything anywhere on earth.

What could be mined in Antarctica?
