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class structure is time being process while job is a permanent process

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Q: Class structure and job-related income what is the relationship between them?
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Though they shouldn't have a direct relationship, higher income usually means higher political power these days.

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higher income, more luxery goods. not rocket science.

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usually negative, if you're a farmer you lose money

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Yes, no work and income you have to steal for a living

Is there a relationship between health labor productivity and income levels?

There is a direct relationship between health, labor, productivity, and income levels. If a person is healthy they can work, be more productive, and therefore make more money.

Is there a relationship between low income and health?

Obviously, there is a close relationship between low income and health. With having low income, your life style will be quite different from those of higher income strata. With low income you will be forced to pay lesser attention to health of self and your family members. This in turn will be evident in your escalated medical expenses. In a family with low income of a developing country, children and pregnant women suffers from malnutrition,which is reflected in their over all health.

The relationship between a worker's education and his or her income level is?

In general, a workers income will go up with how much education they have. This is the case when a well educated person can find a job, of which there is no guarantee.