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Q: Canadian immigrants tend to be while people immigrating to the US today are most often?
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How did the expansion of public education help to Americanize immigrants?

When Washington was president he stated that education was needed in order to help the people immigrating into the United States so they could learn how a democratic society works and can take part in the process and feel part of the social order. Immigrants often feel confused and isolated within a society and education opens doors so people can become active members of the society.

How did immigrating to America make life easier?

Moving to America often provided religious freedom and job opportunities. Once they arrived, though, the American Dream was harder achieved than they thought, as the early 1900s proved to be very difficult for immigrants.

Immigrants coming to the us before 1860?

There were plenty of immigrants that came to the US before 1860. These immigrants were most often people from Europe looking for a better life.

Which immigrants from which country were most often skilled workers or educated people such as writers and politicians and arrived with some money?

Immigrants from Germany usually arrived with some money and were most often skilled workers or educated people, such as writers and politicians.

Immigrants often stayed in the neighborhood with other people from the same country what were these neighborhoods called?

Ethnic enclaves

What place in North America did the British try to have Irish immigrants settle in?

The potato famine in Ireland lasted from 1845 to 1849. During this terrible part of Irish history, Great Britain tried to direct Irish people immigrating to North America to settle in Canada. The British provided incentives to induce this among the Irish. Many did, however, very often they left Canada to settle in the US.

Immigrants from which country were most often skilled workers or educated people such as writers and politicians and arrived with some money?


What did nativists believe?

Nativists believed that Immigrants wanted to destroy America.

Limits or quotas on the number of immigrants allowed into the US was often called what for Northern Europeans?

They were often called the people with low color. (that means like they are white not black)

Americans often linked radicalism with?


Many immigrants lived in urban apartment slums called?

Many immigrants lived in urban apartment slums called flats. These flats held a great many people and were often overcrowded.

What are these places called Immigrants often crowed into cramped and unhealthy living quarters called?

Immigrants often crowed into cramped and unhealthy living quarters called