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if you get a real bad sinus infection it can make your face have swelling both sides of your face can be involved i have seen it in one side and i seen it in both sides and it can become very painful to have to deal with

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Q: Can your sinuses cause you to feel head swelling?
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What would cause fluid like swelling on back of head?

A blow to the head would cause swelling.

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Can the back tooth cause swelling at the back of the head?

A back tooth can cause swelling at the back of the head. This is especially true if your back tooth is infected.

Can allergies cause fluid build up in the head and make you feel like its the end of the world and how can I treat it?

Allergies can cause swelling of the sinuses and fluid buildup in the sinuses. You can treat it with an over-the-counter decongestant. You may have to ask for one at the check out of a store, because they are usually kept behind the counter now. And you can also see an allergist, a doctor who specializes in treating allergies, if necessary. Another thing that helps is moist heat. You can use a humidifier, or put a warm wet washcloth over your nose and mouth for a few minutes and breathe in.

Are there sinuses in the back of the head?

Sinuses are up your nose to almost your forhead. I don't believe they are in your head. I think they are connected to your nose.

Why is there fluid and crusts in ear?

Fluid in the inner ear can be caused by allergies and sinus problems that cause the eustachian tube to swell and close and retain fluid. It can reduce hearing and cause pain too. Swelling in the nasal, head and ear sinuses is common. If swelling occurs in the ear sinuses or Eustachian tube, mucus or even pus can become trapped there, causing a feeling of swollen, clogged ears, plugged, sore, congested ears, poor hearing, or even a feeling of water sloshing deep in the head. This solution can be done at home and relieves Eustachian tube swelling so that the mucus can drain naturally. Crust in the ear is usually the outer ear, caused by ear wax, and that is the bodies natural way of cleaning the ear canal of foreign particles.

What is congestion?

Nasal congestion is the condition where the tissues in the nose, including the sinuses, are irritated and swollen. The irritation causes the production of mucous, and the swelling causes difficulty breathing.

Can a severe blow to the head cause brain damage?

A severe blow to the head can definitely cause brain damage. It can cause swelling, which can ultimately lead to death. I know someone that this happened to.

What is thought to lighten the head and provide resonancefor the voice?

The sinuses: paranasal sinuses are a group of four paired air-filled spaces that surround the nasal cavity (maxillary sinuses), above the eyes (frontal sinuses), between the eyes (ethmoidal sinuses), and behind the ethmoids (sphenoidal sinuses).

Do sinuses make the bones in your head lighter?


Can wisdom teeth cause problems like persistent pressure in the head and ear problems like fullness and crackling when swallowing?

Yes, if the tooth is infected it can cause swelling in the jaw joint, it can also cause the same swelling if the tooth keeps extending and rectracting

I have a lot of pressure in my head and my ears and throat are killing me what could be the cause?

Well all the symptoms that you have described seem to point typical sinus problems and even a sinus infection.Pressure in the head can be due to congested sinuses. When your sinuses become congested they build up pressure in the head and this in turn also results in your body draining mucus down the back of the throat (this condition is known as post nasal drip). When your mucus is infected and it is drained down the back of the throat it ussually leads to a sore throat/ throat infection. The pain in the ears is also as a result of the congestion, because your ears are connected to your sinuses throuth the eustachian tube. When the sinuses become congested we ofte nfind that our ears feel blocked. When there is a sinus infection we may even get earaches.