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You haven't explained whose birth certificate. If it's her biological child then she must sign the birth certificate. The biological parents of the child sign the birth certificate.

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Q: Can your girlfriend sign the birth certificate?
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Can you put your name on your girlfriend baby birth certificate?

No, your not related to her.

When do you sign the birth certificate?

Ordinarily this happens shortly after the child's birth.

Can your lesbian girlfriend sign your unborn childbirth certificated as your unbornn son's father because his father isn't in his life?

Absolutely not!! The father must sign an acknowledgment of paternity in order for his name to appear on the birth certificate.

If my girlfriend had a baby from me and then dissapeared when she was gonna give birth and then turns around and turns it over to her sister girlfriend didnt have the decency to put my last name to my?

If you didn't sign birth certificate at hospital good luck. The only happy person that will come out of that situation is the lawyer.

How do you get a birth certificate for your girlfriend who was born in Vera Cruz Mexico?

She can order her birth certificate online at the website of the Registro Civil de Vera Cruz.

Can a woman sign where it says name of father on a birth certificate?


Does it show your sign on your birth certificate?

No. Ones astrological sign based on ones date of birth has no legal, or scientific bearing.

Can an unwed father sign a birth certificate if the mother was married when the child is born?

Yes, if he is the one who fathered the child. Father's do not typically sign the birth certificate though, although he can be named on it.

Your wife is pregnant by someone else do you have to sign the birth certificate?

um no way do you have to sign anything ...

Can you put his name on the birth certificate if he cant sign the birth certificate?

Putting a father's name on the birth certificate does not make him legally the father if you are not married to him. You can put his name on the birth certificate, but realize that it has no legal impact. In order to have paternity established, it has to be done with a court order.

Can same sex parents sign birth certificate in nebr?

No they can not its not leagal