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For delinquent gov't insured or guaranteed loans.

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Q: Can your federal refund be taken for student loans?
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What are some reasons that your federal tax return be taken?

If you're asking about your tax refund, the federal government will seize it for back taxes owed, student loans or any other government loans, child support, or any debts that you owe to the government.

Can student loans be taken out of your federal taxes?

Yes, if your at a public school but not at private schools

When can federal taxes be taken?

Generally your Federal Income tax refund can be taken to pay any past taxes due, unpaid student loans, unpaid and delinquent child support due, and most any amount due to a federal or state agency. It is far more unlikely for the refund to be attached for normal credit balanced due if not due to a government agency though it has been done.

Can student loans taken overseas?

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Which types of student loans can be consolidated?

Any federal student loans taken out during your college career can be consolodated six months after you graduate or stop attending classes. Consolodation can help you pay off your loans quickly. Visit for more information.

Can federal tax refund be taken by state of ca?

Federal no; the other , yes.

Can medical bills be taken from federal tax refund?

It is unlikely that a tax refund would be garnished for past due medical bills. Generally refunds can only be garnished for certain things, and medical bills really aren't one. Tax refunds are garnished in instances of: child support arrearages past due federal tax past due state income tax unpaid federal student loans government program repayments However, if you deposit it into an account that they have the right to garnish, the funds lose their identity as a tax refund.

Can taxes be taken for student loans?

Federally guaranteed or insured loans, yes.

Can they send you jail for a federal student loan on defaul?

Only if you gave fraudulent info to get it, keep it, or obstruct collection of it. Keep in mind that most student loans are federal government-backed financial aid, so there are enhanced penalties for those that abuse them. Borrowers guilty of no crime can have their tax refunds and wages taken, without a court order, for defaulting on their federal student loans in the US.

Can you find out if your tax refund will be taken for a past debt i.e student loans before you file?

AnswerTypically a notice via mail is issued prior to the filing period alerting the student loan or child support debtor that their refund may be taken in whole or part to repay these obligations.1-800-304-3107 is the best way to find's automated.

Can your state refund be taken by a federal loan?

yes they can take it for that

Can military star card intercept your tax refund?

yes; it is considered federal debt and federal debt can be and probably will be taken from your refund (if it is in a collection status)