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Not as far as I am aware, but double check with your state statutes. If you are interested in adopting a child two things need to be in place. First, the child must legally be adoptable, has biological parents signed off on rights, or were parental rights terminated legally. Secondly, does the child want to be adopted, this is for kids above age 12, because most states allow a child 12 and older to choose whom they would like to live with.

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Q: Can your boyfriend adopt your 16 year old daughter and place his name on her birth certificate without the consent of the child's biological father?
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Your husband wants to adopt your daughter but her biological father is in the picture?

Then unless the biological father is ok with this and signs his rights over, the new husband has no legal rights to the child.

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You need to obtain the biological mother's consent. You should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody and adoption issues.You need to obtain the biological mother's consent. You should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody and adoption issues.You need to obtain the biological mother's consent. You should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody and adoption issues.You need to obtain the biological mother's consent. You should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody and adoption issues.

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This makes her a runaway so report her to the police as such. Her boyfriend could be charged with aiding a runaway or kidnapping.

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Maybe the mother has he reasons of why she won't let her daughter see her boyfriend,maybe he has suddenly formed a bad reputation.

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The wife cannot unilaterally do that. She must have obtained written consent from the natural father if he is still alive, and she must make application to the court to have the consenting boyfriend appointed a legal guardian.

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no, the parent that let the boyfriend move in can face child endangerment charges

In Idaho Can a 17-year-old female leave home to live with her boyfriend without her parents' consent but with her boyfriend's parents' consent to move in with him?

No. There are only a few things that a child can do without parents' consent, and moving in with a boyfriend is not one of them.

Can your boyfriend adopt your 16-year-old daughter and place his name on her birth certificate without the consent of the child's biological father?

The biological father would have to voluntarily relinquish his rights or the court would have to terminate his parental rights to the minor child before the child could be adopted by anyone. FYI, in most cases the "boyfriend" could not adopt the minor child even if the biological father were to give up his parental rights. The mother of the child and her significant other generally have to be legally married before the court would allow an adoption to proceed. This mostly depends on whether your state recognizes your union in some way (some sort of civil union). Occasionally, some odd exceptions are granted (in Alaska, there was a petition where a 3rd person wanted to legally adopt a child, and the court granted it)

Where can you get married the age of 17 in south Caroline to my 19 year old boyfriend that I have been with for 3 years?

Without parental consent - nowhere. With parental consent - wherever you want. Since you are below 18 you need a certified copy of your birth certificate and a notarized statement of parental consent. The parent or legal guardian has to also appear at the same time as you to show their identification and to sign the parental consent form.

Is it legal for your 17 year daughter to live with her boyfriend if you give consent?

Yes, as long as they are not violating any other laws regarding sexual contact in doing so. Given that most states have set the age of consent for sex at 16 or 17, it is probably not an issue.

Can your 18 year boyfriend give consent for you to marry him?

Your 18 year old boyfriend pretty much has to consent, or there's no marriage. If you're underage, you must obtain the consent of your parents or legal guardians (or, in some places, a court). No one else can do this, and very specifically your boyfriend cannot.

Can you move out of the state of VA with children without the consent of the biological father?

If the father and mother are not married, the father's name is not on the birth certificate, and there is no custody agreement in place, the mother may take the child out of state. Otherwise, there would be legal consequences.