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The general consensus among Jews is that the answer is no.

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Q: Can you still be Jewish if you believe in Jesus?
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Who do Christians believe was the Jewish Messiah?

Christians believe that Jesus was the Jewish Messiah. Jews disagree.

Do jewish believe Jesus arose from the dead?

Jewish people believe that Jesus Christ wasn't the real Messiah and they are still waiting for the Messiah. They believe that Jesus was a fake Messiah. They could believe that Jesus didn't raise up or won't be raised up because he "sinned" a lot by faking but they do believe that only God knows who will go to heaven and who will go to Hell.

Why most of the Jews does not take Jesus as the Son of the living God?

Jewish people believe that Jesus was a prophet, not the Messiah, and not the Son of God. They believe that the Messiah is still to come.

What is the difference between Catholic and Judaism?

Catholics believe that Jesus was the Messiah and the Son of God, as well as the fulfiller of the Jewish religion. Jews believe that Jesus was not the Messiah, and they are still waiting for the Messiah to come.

Do Jews believe that Jesus is their messiah?

No. Jews are still waiting for the messiah, whose identity is not yet known. In Judaism, Jesus was a regular human being who lived in olden times, and is not part of Jewish religious belief.See:Why didn't the Jews believe in Jesus?

Does the tv program the Jewish Jesus believe that Jesus was the son of God?

no they don't!

Do people of the Jewish faith believe Jesus was resurrected?


Does kendall schmidt believe in jesus?

No he is not Jewish, but his co-star James Maslow is Jewish.

Did Buddy Rich believe in Jesus Christ?

Unlikley. He was Jewish.

Why was Christmas a christan holiday and not a Jewish holiday?

Christmas is the celebration of the day Jesus was born and in the Jewish religion, they do not believe Jesus is the masiah but Christians do believe that He is the masiah and celebrate it every year!

Why do Jews believe Jesus persecuted the Jews?

They don't believe this, I have no idea where you got that information, but it's not correct. I have never known anyone who was Jewish who believed that Jesus persecuted the Jewish people.

Do the people in Israel believe in Jesus and God?

Israel is 75% Jewish. Jews believe in God. Jesus is not part of Judaism. The Christians in Israel believe in their religion.