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No, the uterus is not large enough to have come out of the pelvis yet. This does not occur until after 12 weeks, perhaps a little earlier if it is twins or more. Many pregnant women have a lot of gas and /or constipation which makes them bloated in the early stages of pregnancy, but it is not actually the uterus which is showing.

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17y ago
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14y ago

With my 4th pregnancy, I was showing at 10 weeks, after putting on a bit of extra weight around my middle.It made me look much further along,but was otherwise ok.

Most women start to show around 3-4 months.

So ,yes I believe it is possible.

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12y ago

Yes you certainly can when pregnant with multiples! I should know I am on my 2nd multiples pregnancy!

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13y ago

Yes, I'm almost 9 weeks pregnant and I've already got a little bump. I think it would depend on the persons size though.

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Q: Can you start showing at 7 weeks pregnant?
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It is still not obvious.

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28 weeks. If u pt 4 weeks 2 each month like I do then 28 weeks makes you 7 months pregnant so actually we be pregnant for for 10 months.

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Nothing really. You shouldn't start showing till at least 3 months, unless you are really slinder. Hi. I am 12 weeks pregnant with my 4th baby and my 7 year old son noticed I was "showing" when I was only 7.5 weeks! I hadn't gained any weight at that time. I think what happens is, after being pregnant the first time, the body "remembers" what is going to happen and what it needs to do, and it starts to shift things around inside the mother to prepare for the expanding uterus. So you can "look pregnant" even though the actual embryo does not take up that much room, and your womb hasn't expanded by very much. I am definitely showing sooner thatn than my previous pregnancies.

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I can feel mine at 7 weeks.

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One month and three weeks

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