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You can but it'll quickly erode the non-stick coating which is one of the key benefits of the GF grill. Best way to clean: wiat for about 7-10 min after turning off the unit, rinse under hot water, with either no soap or mild soap. The grill is like a cast iron skillet--the high heat makes food poisoning unlikely, and if you don't use soap to strip the oils off the surface, the surface becomes "seasoned" so you don't even need to use oil when cooking on it. If you tend toward paranoid and need to use soap, use Dawn or another brand that advertises being gentle on hands (Palmolive). The soap won't strip oils but will definitely kill the unwanted, potentially harmful bacteria. Additionally, after washing with soap, you can "reseason" with a little olive or canola oil before putting the unit away.

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12y ago

It isn't recommended to place the entire appliance in the dishwasher, but the grill plates can be removed and put in the dishwasher. It's suggested to do remove them while they are still warm, but make sure to wear an oven mitt!

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becuase he wantre gv