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Hi, Yes you can. Implantation cramping is very common and usually feels like period cramping. Implantation bleeding (IB) occurs 8-12 days after unprotected sex and not every woman experiences IB. Signs of IB are: * Light bleeding that lasts a few hours to 2-3 days. * Pinkish/brownish or reddish vaginal discharge. * Spotting of blood. * Spotting of blood that does not require a pad or tampon. * Spotting that is pinkish in colour. * Spotting that is brown in colour. * Light bleeding that is either pink or brown in colour and sometimes red.

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Q: Can you have cramps and bleeding during implantation?
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Can you have heavy cramps with implantation bleeding?

They shouldn't be heavy cramps

Do you feel cramps during implantation bleeding?

You can. Each woman is different, but cramping is possible. I had very mild/ dull cramps

Can you have cramps for a while before you have implantation bleeding?


Does small cramps in lower abdomen could that be caused by implantation but cramps with no bleeding?

Most women don't cramp or bleed from implantation but it's always possible. It's also possible to have cramps with no bleeding.

Can you have implantation bleeding and cramps after youre two weeks late for your period?

Yes, you can get implantation bleeding and cramps if you get pregnant.This may occur two weeks after you believed you were due to start your period.

What are the symptoms of implantation bleeding?

The symptoms of implantation bleeding are implantation cramps: small cramps inside the uterus, implantation spotting or bleeding: short brief spotting (a couple of drops of light or dark blood), a second temperature shift on the temperature curve, and a temperature dip at about seven to ten days after ovulation.

How do you know if you are about to start or implantation bleeding?

Usually I get pretty heavy cramps and chocolate cravings

Implantation bleeding a month after missed period?

No. If you are pregnant and having bleeding you should see your doctor. Implantation bleeding only occurs during implantation not a month after.

Can you have slight cramping after implantation?

yu can have cramps ; &slight bleeding while implantation , buht its totally nomal hunn . :) it jusss the planatation still goin on .

How many days before your period do you have implantation bleeding?

Implantation bleeding depends on when you ovulate,had sex and when u conceived.. you can have implantation bleeding anytime during your menustral cycle depending on when you conceived.

When does implantation begin?

Well I've had the implant in for 2 and a half years now and I've not had a spot of blood during thing time up until now and I've had cramps and had implantation bleeding, so it can occure any time.

Is it normal to get blood clots during implantation bleeding?

No. Usually implantation bleeding is a bright red to brown drops of blood. No clots.