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Of course. There's nothing wrong with going to a dance with a friend. Just don't pretend she is your date. If she agrees to go to prom with you as a friend, only refer to her as such, unless she tells you without you asking that you can refer to her differently. You could risk alienating her, which is something that I sincerely don't recommend.

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Q: Can you go to junior prom with a girl who friendzoned you?
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Can you bring a date that isn't a junior to the junior prom?

yes you can bring an under class man to a junior prom only if the upper class man ask that person to go

When do you go to the prom?

you go to prom, your junior and senior year of high schoolActually, my school is different, but it is usually at the end of a school year.

Can a sophomore go to prom?

yes they can. If they are taken by a junior or senior, depending on which prom!

Can freshmen go to prom?

It may depend on your school. But usual rules are that only senior and juniors go to prom. yet a way a freshman can go is if a senior or junior takes you to prom as their date.

How do you ask girl to prom?

go to her and ask her nicely that would she like to go to prom with you?

Who asks for prom?

Anyone! Heck, if a girl wants to ask a guy to prom GO FOR IT! If a guy wants to ask a girl to prom DO IT!

Who does Buddy ask to go to the Sophomore prom with him?

Sophomore Class Junior PromYou

Will more people go to senior prom vs junior prom?

This can vary depending on the school and individual preferences, but generally more people tend to attend senior prom compared to junior prom because seniors are typically closer to graduation and see it as a bigger event.

Who did Soulja Boy go to prom with?

he went with a girl name DeAna to to prom and she has his baby.

How can a boy be a girl to go to prom?


At what age do you go to your junior prom?

Depends on the school, but usually if you're invited by someone who is old enough to go, you'll be allowed to be their date. Usually, juniors and seniors can go to the prom without anyone else, but if you are a freshman or sophomore, you have to go with somebody that is a junior or senior. Actually, though, if youm are a sophomore couple and find a junior couple, than you can just swap partners at the door, then find your partner again when you go in!

I'm 13 and need a girl for jr prom how to approach a girl?

Just go up to her when she's alone and say "hey.(short conversation) suddenly bring prom to her and say "so you ready for the prom" "cool" "wanna go with me?"