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yes, you can also get other things...

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Q: Can you get mono from Someone who does drugs and kisses a lot of girls?
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Can you get anything from kisses?

Mono and herpes

How is mono diagnosed?

i have no idea ? it kisses u

Can a small child give mono to an adult?

Yes they can. if the child shared food with a person who had MONO, they can pass it on. if a child you know has it, dont eat or drink form them, no kisses on the mouth, any saliva contact with one another could give it to you.

Can you get mono from being around someone with mono?

Yes, you can. Mononucleosis is commonly called the 'kissing disease', but you don't have to kiss someone in order to get it. It is like any other virus and can be transmitted through any contact with an infected person. You can even get it from someone not showing any symptoms who has had it before, because once you've had mono it stays in your body forever. It can reactivate in someone without any symptoms and be passed to others.

Can you get mono from playing the flute?

if someone recently put their saliva all over it, then yeah. but its not likely unless they are contagious with mono.

How much kissing do you have to do to get mono?

Mono is not caused by a great amount of kissing. All it takes is that you kiss someone who already has the virus.

Can you spread mono in swimming pool?

I think I did, I am a waterpolo player someone had mono in the pool, now two of us have it do far.

Can you get mono from someone whos never kissed anyone?


How quickly do you die from mono if someone punches you?

Ur face

How does MAOI help treat depression?

MAOI (mono-amine oxidase inhibiters) operate as follows. Many of the brain neurotransmitters are mono-amines. Sometimes when their levels get low it causes depression. There is an enzyme that destroys mono-amines by oxidizing them, it is called mono-amine oxidase. By inhibiting mono-amine oxidase, MAOI raises the level of mono-amine neurotransmitters, sometimes relieving depression. However MAOI drugs have many undesirable side effects, and require a restricted diet to avoid potentially fatal reactions. Therefore they are rarely used, now that safer Tricyclic & SSRI drugs are available. MAOI drugs were the first antidepressants discovered, they were originally developed and used to treat tuberculosis by killing the bacteria and the antidepressant effect was discovered accidentally.

What does the acronym MAOI stand for on prescription drugs?

An MAOI is a Mono Amine Oxidase Inhibitor. They are rarely prescribed today.

Can someone help with a mono meter poem?

Believe To wear The crown