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Yes, genital-genital contact can spread STDs. Those spread by skin-to-skin contact are most likely to be passed this way. These infections include HPV/genital warts, genital herpes, and syphilis. Because there may be some exchange of fluids with genital-genital contact, there's also a risk for spreading gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, and HIV this way.

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Q: Can you get an STD from genital-genital contact?
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What are ways in which u can get an STD?

Std's are exactly that .. Sexually transmitted diseases.. They can ONLY be transmitted and passed on by sexual contact. You catch std's by the enchanging of bodily fluids.. This could be genitalia contact, but also includes genatalia to mouth contact (oral sex).

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Yes. But she still has to come in contact with the std. Sharing needles thru drug use is a good way to get one.

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If you are 100% sure he has never had any sexual contact with anyone, that would include oral (sucking), then no neither of you can give the other an STD.

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Not really, but if it has a STD or HIV she can contact the disease through oral sex.

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