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Putting it in the microwave, then turning it on.

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Of course you can.

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Q: Can you delete data from pen drive?
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How pen drive stores the data what mechanism is used?

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How you can share your data from pen drive to computer?

You can create a shared folder on your hard drive and copy all data from the pen drive in the folder. Or you can share your pin drive right click on the drive (or folder) Security and sharing...

Why do we delete files from pen drive?

To create more space on it for other files.

How can you delete data from your hard drive?

Highlight the files to be deleted, then click 'Delete' on your keyboard.

How long can the data be retained in USB pen-drive?

As far as I know, a pen drive can hold data for ever. i don't mean like for a millennium but you know what i mean,(A long lng time!!)

Which type of memory is used in pen drive?

IN USB pen/USB drive their is EEROM, which means Electronicaly Eraisable Read Only Memory. EEROM is a kind of Read only memory in which you can write, read or store and delete your data.

Who is the father of pen?

Pua Khein-Seng is the father of pen drive, he developed a storage device and gives name USB Flash drive. USB is the common name of pen drive. You can save data according to the size of pen drive. Pen drives are available in deference range of size such as 2gb, 4gb, 8gb,....1tb.

How do you remove shortcut keys in pen drive to get hidden data?

I know how t

How do the pen drive works?

Pen Drives are known as NAND style data storages with large amounts of memory capacity

What will happen to the data which is present in the pen-drive when the data are permanently deleted?

The data will be lost for ever unless they have been saved somewhere else.

How do you i get data off my PS3 hard drive if i dont have a PS3?

you can delete it by transferring it to an extrenal hard drive, I believe.

How do you delete your last save in a 360 game?

To delete saved data, just go into the memory settings, select your hard drive device, search for the game you want and in there, just delete your saved data file.