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If you want them to know exactly what gets to you and how to do it and how hurt you feel when they do it then go right ahead. Think about that before you allow the person who can inflict the most damage on you to know your inner most thoughts and feelings. They will either hurt you harder in the same way, or you will make them feel guilt and they will hurt you again for making them feel guilty. You cant change them but you can change yourself.

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Q: Can you confront a narcissistic mother about being a narcissist Can you let them know how narcissism damaged you?
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I don't think so. How can change occur in narcissist whose mother is a narcissist as well, even if she accepts him? The very sickness comes from that lack of emotional support given by the mother at the most crucial time, birth. My mother in law has damaged my husband so much that because he is a product of his environment, he had dished out his madness upon me and his children. Sadly, I am the one who had the mental breakdown and has suffered so much. Is there really help for a narcissist?

How do you handle a situation where your ex narcissist continually lies to your adult children to put you in a negative light?

This is a very sensitive situation as you have children who though grown will still be damaged if there is this kind of game playing. The narcissist is in a world of his own where he or she is ruler. Mere mortals are expendable to fulfill his/ her own needs. The best you can do is express concern for your ex to your children and say there are always two sides to things people say. Do this calmly and just be a consistent honest person with them they will make up their own minds. There are different levels of narcissism and it depends which level your ex is on. Some people have to sever all contact with the narcissist to get any respite. My own experience with a grown up child who did much the same thing but with friends and relatives is that it is best to watch very carefully and not comment too much on it. He will want a reaction and drama to ensue so don't give it to him.

Help for a narcissist?

Know and accept thyself. This is what you are. You are highly intelligent. You are very inquisitive. You are a narcissist. These are facts. Make a list: what does it mean to be a narcissist in your specific case? What are your typical behaviour patterns? Which types of behaviour are counterproductive, irritating, self-defeating or self-destructive? Which are productive, constructive and should be enhanced DESPITE their pathological origin? Decide to suppress the first and to promote the latter. Become your own parent. This is what parents do and the process is called "education" or "socialisation". If your path to the adoption of this course is a particular therapy - go ahead. As a metaphor, a narrative, no therapeutic approach is better or worse than any other. The heart of the beast is the inability of the narcissist to distinguish true from false, posing from being, Narcissistic Supply from genuine relationships and compulsive drives from true interests and avocations in his life. Narcissism is about deceit. It blurs the distinction between authentic actions, true motives, real desires, original emotions - and the malignant forms that are the attributes of narcissism. Narcissists are no longer capable of knowing themselves. Terrified by their internal apparitions, paralysed by their inauthenticity, suppressed by the weight of their repressed emotions - they occupy a hall of mirrors. Munch-like, their elongated figures stare at them, on the verge of THE scream, yet somehow, without sound. Their curious, vibrant, optimistic True Self is dead. How can a False Self be anything but false? How can anyone on a permanent diet of reflections ever see true objects? How can the narcissist - whose essence is the devouring of meaningful others and their transformation into meaningless and other - ever love? The answer is: discipline, decisiveness, clear targets, conditioning, justice. The narcissist is the product of unjust, capricious and cruel treatment. He is the finished product of a production line of self-recrimination, guilt and fear. He needs to take the antidote to counter the narcissistic poison. Unfortunately, there is no drug I know of which can ameliorate pathological narcissism. Confronting one's parents and childhood is a good idea if the narcissist feels that he is ready for it. Can he take it? Can he cope with new truths, however painful? The narcissist must be careful. This is playing with fire. But if he feels confident that there is nothing that can be revealed to him in such a confrontation that he cannot withstand or does not already know - it is a good and wise move in the right direction. My advice to the narcissist would then be: just dedicate a lot of time to rehearsing it and define well what is it exactly that you want to ask. Do not turn this into a monodrama, group dynamics or trial. Ask so that you shall be answered. Don't try to prove anything, to vindicate, to take revenge, to win, to exculpate. Talk as you would with yourself. Do not try to sound professional, mature, intelligent, knowledgeable and distanced. There is no "problem to solve" - just a condition to adjust yourself to. Think about it as diabetes. At the risk of sounding heartless, I will make three concluding comments: The narcissist should take life in general and himself, in particular, much less seriously. Being immersed in one's self and in one's condition is never the right recipe to functionality, let alone happiness. The world is a comic, absurd place. It is indeed a theatre to be enjoyed. It is full of colours and smells and sounds to be treasured and cherished. It is varied and it accommodates and tolerates everyone and everything, even narcissists. The narcissist should regard his condition as an asset. I am a narcissist, so I write about it. My advice to the narcissist would be: ask yourself what can you do with it? In Chinese the ideogram for "crisis" and "opportunity" is one and the same. Why don't you transform the curse in your life - into a blessing in other people's lives? Why don't you tell them your story, warn them, teach them how to avoid the same pitfalls, how to cope with the damage? Why don't you do all this in a more institutionalised manner? For instance, you can start a discussion group on the internet. You can establish "narcissists anonymous" in some community shelter. You can open a correspondence network, a help centre for men in your condition, for women abused by narcissists ... the possibilities are endless. And it will instil in you a regained sense of self-worth, a purpose, self-confidence and reassurance. It is only by helping others that we help ourselves. This is, of course, a suggestion - not a prescription. But it demonstrates the ways in which you can derive power from adversity. Based on my book "Malignant Self Love - Narcissism Revisited" (c) 2003 Lidija Rangelovska Narcissus Publications

If you tell your ex narcissistic partner you are sharing the story of the abusive relationship with everyone how will that effect them?

It probably depends on who you tell and the repercussions. Otherwise, my sense is it won't matter much. Depending on the level of skill you narcissist ex has, they've already maneuvered to his/her own version of the story. The real point is, though, that they have no conscience, no ability to empathize and know that there are endless sources of the supply they need from a host of damaged people who can be duped. And, ultimately, that's why they don't need to look back. The people they can't con are the ones they'll no longer talk to, anyway. I don't mean to hurt you when I say that. I am so sorry for what I imagine you've been through. And I strongly encourage you to tell your story. Those who don't believe are not worth the relationship. Those who get it will likely end up being some of your truest friends. Something the narcissist will never have.

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No. Something is either damaged or it isn't.

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A damaged crankshaft will need replaced.A damaged crankshaft will need replaced.

Will you give me a sentence using damaged?

The shipper damaged the package.The tornado damaged half the town.Though houses were damaged, residents vowed to rebuild.

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it's damaged by chemicals

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depends on how its damaged...

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mark them as damaged report it to a supervisor