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Any whipping can result in bleeding if it is hard enough and long enough. So, anal whipping should be started gradually, both in force and duration. A single tail whip could concentrate too much force in one spot and cause damage, so use something like a martinet or a plastic mini birch. You would be surprised at how much whipping an anus can take without damage. I should warn, though, that using the diaper position is more likely to cause a hemorrhoid to form if the session is lengthy and hard.

Practice on yourself to get an idea of what it is like and whether it is for you.

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Q: Can whipping your anus cause it to get irratated and bleed?
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I'm going to safely answer no! you should not

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you bleed from your anus. its scary it happend to me.. 1st i was liek :| but then i lold xD

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yes they do, all dogs do when they're in heat

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too much caffeine can cause it cause it raises the acid level in your intestines and it also causes loose stool. thus your stomach acid leaks out of your anus and if not taken care of the acid will cause sores that bleed. and it also hurts alot!!!

Can Heroin causes bleeding of the anus and why?

Yes it can because taking heroin while being addicted to it and then suddenly stopping can cause hemorrhaging and this can cause renal failure or a gastrointestinal bleed.

Does hemorrhoids burn after going to bathroom and bleed?

Yes.Bleeding its often a sing of a a blood vesel in anus its ruptured .