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No, not unless the legal guardian is the owner of the policy. 4lifeguild

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Q: Can the legal guardian of a comatose patient change the beneficiary on a life insurance policy?
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Who is a comatose patient?

Anyone who is in a deep or prolonged state of unconsciousness, usually due to an illness or injury, is considered to be comatose.

Why would a comatose patient regain consciousness after the administration of naloxone?

The comatose patient would regain consciousness after naloxone administration if the patient was comatose in the first place due to an opiate overdose. Naloxone is a competitive antagonist of opioids used to reverse their effect, which includes most notably respiratory depression.

What would keep a comatose patient from getting pressure ulcers?

To keep a comatose patient from getting pressure ulcers they should be kept on a turning schedule. It would also benefit them to have an air mattress on their bed.

How is deductible met?

When the insured/beneficiary (patient) pays the total deductible amount out of his own pocket. A deductible is the amount for which the patient is financially responsible before an insurance policy provides payment.

How do you feed a comatose patient?

Can be by Enteral feeding (NGT feeding , PEG or PEJ)

What is the purpose of changing position in bed on a comatose patient?

To prevent bed sores.

Can a guardian be sued by the patient?


What does deductible and coinsurance mean?

On a health insurance policy, a "deductible" is a specified amount which the insured/beneficiary must pay out of their own pocket, before their insurance will pay any covered medical services. After the deductible amount is met, a "coinsurance" is a percentage amount which the insured/beneficiary is responsible for. For example, if an insurance policy is an "80/20 plan", this means that the insurance company pays 80% of medical services, and the patient (insured) is responsible to pay the remaining 20% (coinsurance).

Define accepting assignment in medical insurance?

The patient or beneficiary of a policy gives authorization of the administrator of the policy to forward payment for a covered procedure or or monies due directly to the treating facility or physician.

Do surgeons have to pull the plug on brain dead or comatose Patients along with regular doctors?

Surgeons are "doctors" so... yes. (Assuming the comatose patient is actually on a said machine constantly operated solely for the purpose of maintaining life) <--Which is rare