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HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is transmitted through contact with infected blood, semen, vaginal fluid or breast milk. HIV is not able to live outside the body. After exposure to air, HIV dies within a matter of minutes. It is difficult to specify the amount of time HIV takes to die after it exits the body because it is relative to conditions and the amount of fluid present.

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Q: Can the HIV virus die in 1 second?
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Is true true that there are a particular group of people in Kenya who cannot get the HIV or AIDS virus.?

Yes it is true. Because there are two types of HIV. HIV 1 and HIV 2. HIV 1 and HIV 2 can never affect this people because they have different jeans. They may have the virus in them but it will never harm them but will harm you as HIV and aids terms are applied..

Can you die from a stomach virus?

No, you can not die from ANY virus, not even HIV. No virus can kill you as they need the host to survive. However you can die from complications due to a virus, for instance people think they can die from swine flu, this is impossible, but when your immune system is weakened from the virus, some people will develop pneumonia (a bacterial infection of the lungs) and from that you can die. Also if you have any other illness at the time eg heart disease, cancer, lupus or something like that, a virus can weaken you and that first illness can kill you. Ignore the hype, swine flu, bird flu, HIV, the common cold, influenza etc are not fatal. You can not die from any virus, not today not tomorrow it is not possible..

What proteins come packaged in the virus?

The packaging and maturation of the HIV-1 Pol proteins. The Pol protein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) harbours the viral enzymes critical for viral replication; protease (PR), reverse transcriptase (RT), and integrase (IN)

Identify the different structures of HIV?

There are two types of HIV structures, one is HIV-1 and other is HIV-2. The HIV-1 is more harmful to humans as the virus can transfer form the gorillas to humans causes AIDS. AIDS stand for acquired immuno deficiency syndrome. The results of HIV-2 are being studied by the researchers.

What group of viruses does HIV belong to?

AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is a condition which arises after infection with HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). HIV is a lentivirus, part of the retrovirus family. There are two species: HIV-1 and HIV-2. AIDS is not a type of microorganism, but rather, an effect of HIV infection. A person is considered to have AIDS when their CD4+ (a type of white blood cell) count is below 200 per µL of blood.

What virus in the body attacks the cells in the immune system that produce antibodies?

HIV, human immunodeficiency virus, is the virus that attacks the cells in the immune system that produce antibodies.

Is HIV virus alive?

HIV is a virus. Because it is a retrovirus HIV has 2 fragments of RNA Moleculehiv is rna virusNo HIV attacks t cells which produce white blood cells. White blood cells attack infections and disease and viruses etc. so with no white blood cells or few of them no virus can be fought off, so something like a cold is the thing that actually kills contains rna, the rna i the virus go into ribosomes and effect the human body

How do you know if you have the HIV 1 virus?

The HIV virus enter to the body need one to two months, some of the sigh of HIV are fever,fatigue, achy muscle, joint pain, headache,skin rash,vomiting,weight loss,dry cough, pneumonia, night sweats,nail changes and difficulty to concentrate.

What are the causative agents of AIDS?

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the causative agent for AIDS. The most common type is known as HIV-1 and is the infectious agent that has led to the worldwide AIDS epidemic

What is the difference between HIV-1 HIV-2?

Not much difference. They are both strains of the HIV virus and both can lead to AIDS and other opportunistic diseases. HIV-2 strain is found mostly in West Africa, with hardly any found in the US and other Western countries.

Are you born with HIV or do you develop it over time?

You can get Hiv 3 ways 1) Your given it by your parents who inherited the hiv virus 2) Sharing Needles For Drugs(Hope No-one does that Here) 3)Sharing bodily fluids ie. Blood, Semen

What is AIDS or HIV virus?

HIV means you're carrying the virus. AIDS means that it has overpowered your immune system and made you sick. With today's medicines people can carry the virus for several years before becoming ill from it.