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Eventually, yes, but not overnight. See the Related Link.

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Q: Can teeth dissolve in Coca-Cola
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Related questions

Does pepsi stain your teeth worst than coke?

I find cocacola hurt my teeth a lot more than pepsi, they also seem to make my teeth more gripy

Will pepsi dissolve teeth?

If you don't brush your teeth then yes

What liquid do anteater teeth dissolve in?

Anteaters don't have teeth

What is cocacola's aim in business?

what is cocacola's aim in business?

Is it hygenic to brush your teeth?

you must if you dont wanna your teeth to dissolve

Does soda dissolve teeth?

it stains them and makes your teeth super sensitive

What will dissolve in soda?

your teeth :) but it will take a LOT of soda

Is cocacola square?

No, it is not.

What are things except teeth that dissolve in soda?

reactive metals

What soda will dissolve teeth?

coke,in a few weeks though

What diseases are caused by drinking cocacola?

First of all, coco cola is a toilet cleaner. Secondly, it can dissolve the hardest bone in your body that is your teeth. It also corrodes our teeth, so be cautious and don't drink any of the bottled drinks except water and fresh juices which is homemade. Few days back, a man added an aids patients blood in the drinks which was proved to be real. So be cautious and take care of your life as it is precious.

When can you brush your teeth if you have stitches and multiple teeth pulled?

You can't brush your teeth until the stitches dissolve. You need to ask a dentist for this info.