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Typically, no. There isn't any Facebook tool that allows you to see that. There have been some people saying that they have external tools that allow you to find that out though, so it is probably possible, but very few people actually use external tools in Facebook (or even learn the internal tools), so if you are talking about an average person, I would say no, they can't see that.

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15y ago

It depends on the privacy settings on that profile, if a person puts a high level of privacy on their profile it can only be seen by accepted friends of that person.

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14y ago

No, I don't think so. You might be able to see how manypeople have visted your page, over different periods of time but that's all.

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8y ago

No. Facebook doesn't have that function.

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9y ago

u wantshum

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Q: Can anyone look up and view anyone else's Facebook profile?
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u cant its that simple

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