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They can, just like anyone else whose perception is impaired. They may be more likely than others to engage in dangerous situations because they feel that it is necessary (for example, "God is telling me to climb this mountain with no gear" or "The only place where they can't get me is in the middle of a lake"). Or they may simply be so focused on one thing that they may neglect to eat, sleep, or get medical treatment for physical health problems.

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Q: Can people with Schizophrenia accidentally kill themselves?
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Why do schizophrenics stab people?

It is not true that all people with schizophrenia feel a need to kill other people. Most people who suffer with schizophrenia are completely harmless, or are dangerous only to themselves. Sensational crimes tend to be exaggerated in the media and are unfairly associated with people suffering from mental illness.

How do you fake scizophrenia?

You should not fake Schizophrenia. Millions of people are affected with this disorder every year. Many people kill themselves due to the delusions (Psychosis) caused by it. Please do not fake this disorder.

Why do babies kill themselves?

lol um... babies don't purposely kill themselves! I don't know if that's what you meant, but sometimes babies will accidentally kill themselves many different ways, like suffocation.

How many people kill themselves every minute?

About 1.9 people kill themselves every minute

Do afghan hounds kill themselves?

Unlike humans, animals do not have suicidal tendencies and, although Afghan hounds may get themselves accidentally killed, they will not do so intentionally.

Which mental disorder causes more people to kill other people?

Probably schizophrenia - one of the side effects is a fear that people are turning against you. Without medical intervention - this could lead to a sufferer causing harm to either themselves or (more likely) other people.

Do people kill themselves for being single?

No but they can be depressed for being single and the depression can make them kill themselves.

Can a white tail doe delay birth?

Yes, but only for a short time. They can also kill themselves on command or even accidentally if they are scared.

What are advantages and disadvantages of gun ownership?

Advantages: self protection Disadvantages: accidentally kill people

What were some cons about laws?

people can kill or injure themselves can kill others

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fgfgffhhghgfh6br8yrt7yr7ryeeeegtv87777777777777777777777vr6trbvvvvvvggggg yfvbgkajsdgdsukfyyyyyyyyygdsftyftyfbtgtytfbvytyffdbghnhfghgvghgfgfghggghhgghhgghghgghddxdxdxchbhgjkxdzxgfmhkxfdxcgvhgfcdsdxcfgvbhgvfcdxgfvnhjgvfdnhjjjjzcfgfdgjkfgdfg hdf ughguhdugh dg ghiahnnhisssu

Do people with schizophrenia kill more often?

no however there is a disproportionate number of homicides by schizophrics compared to the number of those actually diagnosed