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Yes, just as long as their credit scores remain in good standing, then it is possible.

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Q: Can one person be listed as primary driver on two vehicles and hold a loan for each car?
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If the cosigner and the primary borrower are on the car loan but the payment book is in the primary's name who owns the car?

The owner of the car is the person listed on the Certificate of Title.The owner of the car is the person listed on the Certificate of Title.The owner of the car is the person listed on the Certificate of Title.The owner of the car is the person listed on the Certificate of Title.

How often can a none primary driver drive before they are the primary driver?

Generally speaking if there is one car per person in the household then everyone is a primary driver. If there are fewer cars (2 cars 3 drivers) then one person can always be an occasional operator.

Can you marry someone for insurance coverage?

Not for auto. Each person has to be listed independently, and the rates will vary based on each drivers' history. Unmarried persons can be listed on the same policy. One person will be listed as primary driver, and others will show up as "additional drivers." Married persons show up the same way.

What is the definition of a primary driver?

The definition of a primary driver is the main person who drives a vehicle. Other people who sometimes drive are secondary or part time drivers.

Does it cost more to excluded driver?

Having a person on your car insurance listed as an excluded driver can actually save money rather than cost more. The excluded driver will need no coverage or liability when it comes to the vehicle they are listed for.

Will your auto insurance cover a permissive driver if you are disabled and cannot drive?

It sounds like this person will be a regular driver and as such they should be listed on your insurance as a driver. In your policy you agree to list all household residents and regular drivers. They should be listed on your policy.

Can someone else drive a rental car?

As long as this person is listed in the rental contract as driver, yes. However, if you allow someone else drive the car without been listed as driver nad this person gets in an accident, the rental insurance will deny the claim and you will be responsible for all damages.

How many cars can one person insure?

Just a little more info. We have 3 cars and 3 persons living in the household. I am 18 years old and currently got my g2 in Jan/2012. My mom is primary driver of 2 existing vehicles in the house. I want to insure another vehicle under a different car insurance with my mom being primary driver and me occasional driver. Can she be primary driver of 3 cars? I know about me being able to drive the 2 other cars, but I heard their is a waiver you can sign not to drive the other cars. The car i want to insure is a 2007 Camry 4dr LE V6

How do you disarm driver airbag on 1994 Dodge Ram?

There is no way to disarm a driver airbag on a 1994 Dodge Ram. Most vehicles will only let a person disarm the passenger airbag.

Should you lose your license for no insurance if you are listed as a driver on your husband's auto insurance policy?

The question is a little confusing. If the spouse or person is listed on the insurance policy as a driver of the vehicle then they are indeed insured and shouldnot besubject to being penalized for that specific issue.

Can your son insure his car without the title being in his name?

In order to take out insurance on a vehicle, you need to have insurable interest in it. If he is not on the title or the loan, he has no insurable interest. If he is driving the vehicle, but you own it, you should take out the policy in your name and have him listed as the primary driver. If he is the only person listed on the policy and he totals out the vehicle, he wouldn't get paid for it would.

What services are offered at AZ DMV offices?

The Arizona Department of Motor Vehicles offers a few services. A person can schedule a driver's license test, take the test, and get their license there. In addition to regular driver's licenses, a person can schedule and take a test for their commercial driver's license (CDL).