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No. If neither parent has an A or AB type, then there is no A gene to pass on to the child.

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Q: Can o negative and b positive make A positive blood group type?
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How can a child's blood type be A positive if mom is O positive and dad is AB negative?

because the dad blood was stronger and one positive and one negative make a positive

What type blood does O negative and A positive make?

they can have a A positive A negative O positive O negative depending on genes of A

What blood type does a 0 negative and a b positive make?

The possibilities include B positive, B negative, O positive, O negative.

What happens when husband has Ab negative blood group and wife has A plus blood group?

Nothing happens, also nothing happens to their babies. Because the mother is Rhesus positive she won't make antibody's against the baby's blood. The only danger is when a Rh negative mother gives birth to a Rh positive child. RV

Can negative and a positive blood type make a positive?

If one of the parents is A positive, the child could be A positive.

Can the baby of an O rhesus positive and a A rhesus negative parent be A rhesus positive?

no cause a positive and negative make a negative unless the positive has a really strong blood line

Can O positive and an A positive make O negative baby?

A person with A positive blood may be a carrier for O negative blood. If the other parent is also a carrier of those traits, the baby could be O negative.

Is rh negative blood compatible with o positive?

can two o positive blood types make an RH Negitive baby

Is a positive plus a negative make a positive or a negative?

Positive + Negative = Negative Negative + Negative = Positive Positive + Positive = Positive Negative + Positive = Negative

Can two o positives blood groups make a a positive blood group?

A and B

What is type o positive blood?

O Positive is the most common blood type and it has no molecules on the red blood cell surface which means people with Type O universal blood donors. Positive means that your blood contains what is called a RhD antigen. Type O was the first blood type discovered. It is believed it can make you more likely to get ulcers or have thyroid problems.