

Can kittens from the dame litter mate together?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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yes you can

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Q: Can kittens from the dame litter mate together?
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Is it true that a female cat will mate with more than one male and have a litter of kittens with different fathers?

Yes, it's true that a female cat can mate with several male cats and have a litter of kittens of all colors and that goes for dogs as well.

Why do cats mate?

They mate to reproduce and to have kittens.

Did whitestorm mate did whitestorm mate?

Yes, Whitestorm mated with Willowpelt and together they had a litter of kits. Whitestorm is also the father of Sorreltail, Sootfur, and Rainwhisker.

How do you make kittens?

mate cats

Can a cat have kittens from two mates at the same time?

Yes for example a white cat mate with a Siamese and a tortiseshell .In the litter there might be a white kitten, Siamese kitten, and tortiseshell kitten.

What is the average litter size of a cat?

your cats first litter normally has 5 or less kittens if you have any questions or concerns about your cats or dogs please email me at

After just having a litter of kittens can male cat mate and give her more kittens?

No you have to wait until she comes back into heat, but i advise you DO NOT GET YOUR CAT PREGNANT AGAIN cats are over populated and abused almost 60% of the time you give them away...if you know some particular people who want kittens then i guess you can get your cat prego again but...i wouldn't advise it.....k byee :]]

Can you mate two fancy hamsters from the same litter?

Yes. Hamsters from the same litter can ALWAYS mate with each other as long as they're at least 4 weeks old.

Do sibling cats have more chances to have deficient kittens if they mate?

Definitely. I would never recommend doing that. It would be cruel to the kittens. If you have a litter of kittens and keep all the boys and girls, neuter the boys or something. --- Breeding sibling cats increases the chance of recessive genetic defects. Not all cats carry them, and this is why breeders are able to inbreed cats without defects through careful breeding.

Do guinea pigs mate with litter mates?

Yes, they will if allowed to.

Which animals need to be spayed and neutered?

The animals which need to be spayed and neutered are cats, rabbits and dogs. Generally the pets which one doesn't want to have a litter of pups or kittens or buns. Also, it is useful for aggressive pets who want to mate but don't have a companion.

If cats are spayed or neudered can they still mate?

Yes, but they cannot have any kittens.