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It depends on the breed of the dog.

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Q: Can dogs eat fish sticks or fish portions that are cooked?
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Related questions

Will you throw up if you eat half cooked fish sticks?

no you will not throwup

What is more fish or fish sticks?

fish. as "fish sticks are mainly dough" with very little "fish" in them.

Do dogs eat all fish?

no dogs are not fishs, but ask yourself these questions:Do dogs look like fis?Do dogs eat fish food?think about it not dogs are not fish.

How many portions of fish should you eat a week?

You should eat two portions of fish a week. One of the portions should be oily fish such as sardines or mackerel.

Are fish sticks precooked?

Yes, most are. But usually only partially cooked, so you should still heat it up according to the directions before consumption.

Do you cook sushi?

typically no, but there are some cooked ingredients: the rice, always, and sometimes the fish. Unagi, BBQ eel is quite popular for example.

What is a sushi stuffer that is commonly cooked?

Eel is typically smoked and cooked before being used in sushi. Salmon skin is usually cooked up as well. Crab usually means crab sticks, which are processed fish that is essentially cooked all the way through. Tomago, is a chicken egg omlette that is very good and completely cooked. And there are lots of vegetables that are used.

Why is it bad to eat fish sticks?

Eating too much fish sticks can make you gain weight and get obese.AnswerIt is actually healthy and good to eat fish sticks in a controlled manner. Fish sticks are white meat, and they have less fat and calories than chicken sticks. However, since fish sticks contain a lot of grease from the solid oil skin, it may cause acne for several people.

Can fresh fish that has been cooked be frozen?

Yes, you can safely freeze cooked fish.

What kind of animals meat do dogs eat?

It depends. Meat: Chicken, Turkey, Rabbit, Beef, Ribs with no bones, and Fish fully cooked!

Do you like fish sticks?


How much weight does fish lose when cooked?

The amount of weight a fish might lose when cooked depends on the moisture content. It also depends on how long the fish is cooked.