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Provided the other bloodgroups match (e.g. rhesus antigen) then yes, of course.

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Q: Can blood group O donate blood to a person of blood group B?
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Will the B antibody in the plasma donor blood group A agglutinate the A antigen of the AB recipient and Why?

Yes. A person with blood group antibody B can not donate blood to another person with group A because it will agglutinates as they blood group A can only be donated to to a person with blood group A. Even though you donate whole blood, all of it is not given unless you both have the exact blood type. A person with A type (who has B antibodies in their plasma) will only donate their cells. No antibodies will be given. So AB can be given A but without the plasma which has the antibodies.

What blood type should each kind should donate to and receive from?

Blood group A can donate and receive blood from blood group A. Blood group B can donate and receive blood from blood group B. Blood group AB can donate only to blood group AB and receive from any other blood group (they are universal recipent) Blood group O can donate to any other blood group ( they are universal donor) and can receive from only blood group O.

Wwwrelationships between blood types and antibodes who could donate blood to a person with type B plus?

B +tiv blood group have anti b antibodies

Why a person with type AB blood can donate blood only to a person with the same blood type?

because it have both atibodies a and b so cannot be donated to blood group a,b,o

Can a person with b negative blood donate to a person with b positive blood?


What blood type can A positive receive?

A person with type A blood can donate blood to a person with type A or type AB. A person with type B blood can donate blood to a person with type B or type AB. A person with type AB blood can donate blood to a person with type AB only. A person with type O blood can donate to anyone. A person with type A blood can receive blood from a person with type A or type O. A person with type B blood can receive blood from a person with type B or type O. A person with type AB blood can receive blood from anyone. A person with type O blood can receive blood from a person with type O. hope this helps, #JC#

Can a person with A type blood donate to a person with B type?

Blood group A and also blood group O can. Blood group O can donate blood to any blood group- universal donor.

What type of blood can a person with type B blood receive safely?

A person with B type blood can donate to a patient with B type blood and to the universal receiver. The universal receiver is type AB+. A person who does not carry the Rh factor, which means they are either B negative, AB negative or O negative, cannot receive B positive or AB positive blood.

What does o positive blood type mean?

The blood group O positive(O+) specifies that the person can donate his/her blood to any other person of same or different blood group. But, O+ can accept blood only from a person having same blood group (i.e O+) and not from any other group.

Blood group b inject to o?

No - blood type B cannot donate to blood type O. This is because blood type B contains B antigens, and blood type O contains Anti-B antibodies. However, blood type O can donate to blood type B.

Why can someone with A blood donate to someone with AB but cannot receive it from them?

Because the person with the AB blood has both A & B blood group antigens present within their blood type. However the person with the A blood group lacks the B blood group antigen. Therefore the (A blood group) persons body will send antibodies to attack the given B blood group as though it were a foreign substance such as a virus or other hostile entity. This will cause several symptoms to arise which may result in death if not corrected quickly

Who can donate blood in Canada?

only o i believe, but o can go to ANY other blood type. :) hope this helps but u might wanna check mi answer. sry if its wrong. jus tryna helpp. :D