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Yes, anyone may attend a Latin Mass. However, only Catholics may receive communion. However, if the Mass is being held at a Church not in union with Rome (eg: Pius X Society Churches) Catholics should not attend these Masses as the group has not yet resolved their differences with Rome.

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Q: Can anyone attend the Tridentine Mass?
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Can gay people attend mass?

Yes, gays are not hated by the Catholic church. They just believe gay people shouldn't pursue intimacy or marriage and should be alone for the rest of their lives.

Are choir robes worn at tridentine mass?

Choir robes were not worn when I attended Tridentine mass before the Vatican II council. They are more a feature of Protestant Sunday services. But clerics and other prelates wore elaborate liturgical vestments -- cassocks, albs, tunics, surplices and chasubles -- as they still do today when celebrating.

Why is the chasuble raised during consecration in a Tridentine Latin mass?

You should as someone from the following orders: The Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Prince or The Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter These 2 orders celebrate the Tridentine Mass. Also, ask a priest who was conferred the Sacrament of Holy Orders prior to 1963 (or so)...They'll know!

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Generally, priests face the congregation during Mass except in those parishes that still observe the Latin Tridentine Mass where the priest faces the tabernacle and has his back to the people.

Why do they say the Mass has begun instead of the Mass has ended when ending a Catholic Mass?

You must be thinking of the Latin Ite missa est from the old Tridentine formula. I believe this means Go, you are dismissed. Go the mass has begun is not said at the end of the vernacular mass, either.

Must a priest have his back to the congregation during the newly approved tridentine Mass?

Definitely NO Definitely YES as having his back to the congregation is part and parcel of that old, outdated, 16th century mass.

Are Catholics required to attend Mass when traveling?

Yes, if it is possible for them to attend mass when travelling, then they should do so. It is only if they are somewhere where there is no mass available, that they can miss mass.

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Anyone can attend

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Is it ok to watch mass and not attend church?

no. you must go to mass.

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