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No. Chlamydia can cause an inflamed tube though.

A tube that is inflamed or infected will develop scar tissue and the whole tube can become permanently blocked. If a woman has blocked Fallopian tubes, she will not become pregnant without special medical help.

If you have pain in the area of your belly button and you think you might have chlamydia, you need to see your doctor or women's clinic as soon as you can.

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Q: Can an untreated inflamed tube cause chlamydia?
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Can chlamydia affect ovulation?

No. There are no STDs that affect the release of an egg from the ovary. Some STDs can cause scarring that can interfere with movement of the egg through the fallopian tube.

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Chlamydia can infect the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside. This urethritis may cause painful urination or discharge, although 80 to 90% of women and at least 50% of men with chlamydia have no symptoms.

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There are many different types of tests for chlamydia, and the type of tube needed is often tied to the particular brand of test the lab uses. Contact your laboratory for specific instructions.The tube for the chlamydia test will be dictated by the type of test and manufacturer of the equipment at the lab you use. Contact your lab for advice specific to your situation.

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When the appendix (a blind-ended tube connected to the cecum) becomes inflamed, unless treated or surgically removed, the resulting infection can cause death. In humans, the appendix is as small as your little finger, and is no longer needed.

Can chlamydia develop from your own bacteria?

Chlamydia is a bacterial infection, and it can infect the urethra (the tube inside the penis). Other bacteria in the penis do not cause chlamydia. It's spread by oral, anal, and vaginal sex; genital-genital contact; sharing sex toys; or birth to a woman with chlamydia.

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If a zygote attaches to the wall of the fallopian tube it is called an ectopic pregnancy. If it continues to grow, it will cause the tube to rupture and the mother to hemorrhage. If left untreated this can lead to death. Ectopic pregnancies have to be terminated because they are never viable and can be life threatening to the mother.

What are the risks when you have chlamydia?

When you have chlamydia , you will have the risks to get some other risky and dangerous diseases .People who have chlamydia are at higher risk of also having other sexually transmitted infections - including gonorrhea and HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Severe infections may require hospitalization for intravenous antibiotics. PID can damage the fallopian tubes, ovaries and uterus, including the cervix. You may get PID if you have chlamydia. Some women have scarring from PID from a "silent" PID -- one without any symptoms.Infection near the testicles. A chlamydia infection can inflame the epididymis, a coiled tube located beside each testicle. The infection may result in fever, scrotal pain and swelling.Chlamydia can also cause the prostate gland infections if the men can not cure it . The chlamydia organism can spread to a man's prostate gland. Prostatitis may result in pain during or after sex, fever and chills, painful urination, and lower back pain.Infertility , chlamydia can cause the fallopian tubes to be blocked and women can become infertility because of this disease .Chronic pelvic pain can result from scarring due to the infection.

Can a television cause an explosion?

Why not!Smashing the face of the picture tube will cause an implosion.

What is tubal problems?

There are many causes of tubal blockages or abnormal fallopian tubes. These causes include adhesions, infections, infectious or non-infectious pelvic inflammatory diseases, scar tissue, endometriosis and damaged tube ends or damaged fimbria. The number one cause of blocked tubes is a chlamydia infection. Some women have had Chlamydia and not even known it so that the damage has already occurred without a woman even having an idea that any infection was ever there.

Can a orifice tube cause the ac to blow warm air?

Yes, If the orifice tube was clogged or damaged. A faulty desiccant bag or compressor are usually the cause.

How can an ectopic pregnancy occur?

An ectopic pregnancy is when the fertilized egg stays in the Fallopian tube instead of moving into the uterus. As it grows it can rupture the tube and cause serious bleeding so it is a medical emergency. Past infections or other narrowings of the tube can be a cause. Usually no cause is identified.

What is the purpose of the pollination tube that forms after pollination?

the purpose of the of pollen tube is to fuse or join with the ovules to cause fertilization.