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No. Unless serving in the military or suffering a debilitating injury, jury duty is a civic requirement and it is a crime to avoid it. If your employer (aside from the U.S. Armed Forces) prohibits you from serving jury duty, they are committing a crime and you can file a complaint with your state's department of labor.

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Q: Can an employer prohibit an employee from serving jury duty?
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Wages while on jury duty are up to the employer and are usually covered in the company's employee handbook, if one exists. The only requirement is that the employer allow the employee to serve jury duty and deploy no retaliation for time off.

Does employer have to pay an employee for jury duty in Tennessee?

YES, if you are a full time employee and have been employed for 6 months. There are some other fine print but basically, the employee shall be entitled to the employee's usual compensation for time received from such employment (including travel and jury duty time). The employer has the discretion to deduct the amount of the fee or compensation the employee receives for serving as a juror from the court. No employer shall be required to compensate an employee for more time than was actually spent serving and traveling to and from jury duty.

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yes an employer has to pay the employee for jury duty and can not fire or discipline the employee in any way for time lost due to jury duty

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Normally hours are not specified. It is only the condition of the employee that matters. By law the employer is required to 'return to light duty' the injured employee.

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The word snoop has negative connotations here. But an employer has every right, and a duty too, to ensure an employee is not abusing email.

Does an employer have to pay an employee who serves jury duty in Tennessee?

i don't think its required but its possible.

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1. Do what the employer have directed you or the duty of the job description. 2. Show up on time to work when expected.

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If the employee is on unemployment then that employee is no longer employed and therefore the duty of the employer to the ex employee no longer exists. It will therefore depend on the laws of your country and perhaps on any trade union agreements weather the employer can hire new help to do the same job as someone who was recently made redundant (rather then rehiring the redundant worker), but the employer could certainly hire new help for a different job requiring different skills.

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It is allowed to do this. However, that doesn't mean it is the most ethical. In some cases, the employer will take money out of the manager-on-duty's paycheck to compensate.

Is a company liable for an employee using company email to conduct personal business that goes bad?

A company is not liable for employees doing stuff outside the scope of their assigned duties that does not further the employer's interests. An employer has no duty to prevent an employee from being a fool at work.

When an employee learns of apparently unlawful behavior on the part of his or her employers does the employees have an ethical duty to blow the whistle on the employer?

yes employee have that right to whistle blow act because it is ethics right.