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Yes, a Probation Officer can find out if you have been prescribed a drug.

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Yes, when he asks you and you answer honestly. Which you probably should.

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In the UK it would be necessary to get a court order if you did not volunteer the information.

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Q: Can a probation officer find out if you have been prescribed a narcotic?
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Can a parolee live with a roommate on narcotic medicines?

There is nothing illegal about using a prescribed medicine (even if it is narcotic) and nothing illegal about living with a person who uses medicine. If, however, the medicine being used by this roommate has not been prescribed by a doctor, that is a problem.

Can a person from NC leave the state while on probation?

Usually, the probation officer will submit a form to a supervisor for approval to leave the state. If the order of probation prohibits you from leaving the state, it is usually up to the probation officer if you can leave. There must be a good reasonto leave the state, and it helps if he/she has been doing well while on probation.

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Simply, It means that you have to stay completely out of trouble until your probation is up. To be more exact, you don't have to report to a probation officer if you're leaving the state or check-in with a probation officer whatsoever. But, if you do get in trouble (depending on what it is) you are potentially looking at a probation violation which could end up in jail time, community service, more probation, ect, ect. Hope this helped, been there before.

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You need to let your probation officer about this. You do not want for them to find out on their own

Can you travel overseas if on probation in pa for DUI?

Every case is different. You need to contact your Probation Officer, for any limits that may have been placed on your travel, if any.

Probation officer range of average yearly earnings?

Depends on where you are located in the country. I'm in a small town in West Texas and have been a probation officer for 5 years now and only earning 34K per year. I work for the County. Federal Probation Officers make much more.

What will happen if you violate curfew on felony probation in Georgia?

It all depends on your probation officer you could either be violated and taken in to jail or given a consequence like having to do community service for X amount of hours or a number of things it really all depends on your probation officer if you have a good relationship with your probation officer and have not messed up much then more than likely you will just be told to not do it again I have been on probation for 2 years and this is typically what I've seen

Does your probation officer have to tell you if you fail?

no it doesnt cuz ive been on probation for 5 years and failed a lot of u a's and they never told me till my last strike

Should you tell your probation officer you relapsed?

This is a great answer. Ive been going through this same ?? myself. And my answer is yes

You drank beer and missed your pbt should you come clean with your probation officer?

Of course you should. You have been convicted of a crime and that is what put you on probation in the first place. When you have terms of probation that are required to be followed these are put in place by a court system and a community that showed you leniancy for your crime. If they weren't showing you leniancy you would be in jail or prison and not on probation. Failure to follow the rules set forth for your probation agreement is unfair to the community that showed you this leniancy. Furthermore, if your probation officer finds out that you violated something in the agreement and did not come clean about it, you will be much more likely to be given a harsher penalty when you are given a probation violation. If you do decide to tell the probation officer, you will likely be shown more leniancy with the court if the probation officer decides to violate you. In some cases, the probation officer may choose not to violate you because you were up-front with them about the situation. Instead they may add additional requirements to your probation where you have to show up and prove you werent drinking instead or alternatively make you participate in a chemical dependency program if you haven't been ordered to already. It might be helpful when you break the news to probation that you offer some sort of detailed plan to make sure it doesn't happen again as well as offer to take any additional steps the probation officer might suggest.

Will pharmacy fill percocets before one month is up?

Since percocet is a narcotic, it is against the law to exceed the number of tablets that have been prescribed by the doctor. The answer is, "No".

How much time can a probation officer pull if you fail first drug test in 8yrs on probation and have never been in violation?

This would be considered a "technical" violation, meaning that there are no new charges. The most amount of time that CAN be revoked for a technical violation is two years (for a felony conviction, which this obviously was a felony due to the amount of time on probation). However, if the person on probation is honest with his/her probation officer then they will usually work together. It's usually best to be honest and upfront with a probation (and parole) officer. I don't know the details ~ did the probationer tell the probation officer he/she had used prior to the test or did the probationer play "dumb" and try to lie to get out of it. With what I have seen over the past 14 years, the probation officer can give the probationer a very stern warning and may 'up' the terms of probation (possibly putting him/her on, say, 3-6 months of intensive probation or make him/him attend some type of drug classes for a certain amount of time). I have a friend who had been passing drug tests by using someone else's urine and after months and months of doing this, she finally broke down and confessed to the fact that she had been using. Her parole officer put her in jail for 45 days and when she got out of jail, she went straight back into the 3/4ths house where she has been for approximately two (2) years. I am certainly no expert, but this is what I have seen and heard for the past 14 years.