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There are no victims, only volunteers! We teach people how to treat us. ALWAYS listen to your "internal guidance system," your God consciousness. How do you feel around this person? If you feel good then stay. If you're unhappy and the relationship isn't propelling you forward in your growth as a human being, then you must move on. The universe ALWAYS wants whats best for you. You just have to have faith, and trust the process.

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Q: Can a person who does not show emotions survive a narcissist from what i gather is that anyone and everyone can be a victim of the narcissist?
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Is it wise to tell everyone about the narcissist?

Be careful if you do, the narcissist can be a monster to anyone who hurts their pride.

Can anyone be a victim of a narcissist if NO why if YES then who?

Yes anyone can be a supply for them,anyone that is Not a narcissist ,and to be a victim you just need to be a human being with feelings.

Does a narcissist enjoy sex?

A narcissist is a person who has an excessive love of him or her self, based on ego or false self image. They are charicterized by ovebearing vanity, selfishness, and derogitory thinking toward everyone else. As for sex, they probably enjoy it as much as anyone does.

Can a narcissist be bulimic?

Certainly, anyone can be bulimic.

Does anyone like narcissits?

I think it's an interesting concept. In my opinion everyone is a narcissist, but only some people will admit it openly. This high amount of vanity can be considered annoying to some, but if you don't mind it, it's entertaining and a little humorous, if it isn't overdone. It's not just about being vain, that would be easy if that was all it was. A true narcisssit lies, steals and leaves destruction everywhere they go. They are fake and annoying and don't care who the harm or hurt. I do agree that everyone has some self love which is healthy but a true narcissist is a level under a psychopath. You will know when you have been a victim to a narcissist, you will have your soul, emotions and everything else screaming from abuse.

What medicine do they treat a narcissist?

I don't know that there is one but you could always check with your doctor. It would be difficult to get a narcissist to admit that there is something wrong with them in the first place for them to seek treatement seeing as they feel superior to anyone else and therefore perfect. They believe there is something wrong with everyone around them.

What is it like to lose your grandma?

Losing a loved one can be hard on anyone, and everyone experiences a variety of emotions and not everyone is the same. There are said to be stages of grief that people go through (not everyone experiences each one). Those stages are:DenialAngerBargainingDepressionAcceptance

What is it like to be a narcissist?

Very sick and twisted things bring you happiness. The misery you cause fuels you. You envy everyone around you. You will not hear anyone tell you how you need to change. You go from person to person. You never can love and you must totally fake emotions and aren't able to accept actual love. It's sad way to live but they get their fix from breaking good people down.

Why does a narcissist need to be friend with your friend?

They need to satisfy their sense of control. For instance, if you "dare" have another friend (other then the narcissist) then, he will be a better friend then you are to that friend. All of it is to escalate self importance and minimize the value of your friendship. Narcissists hate authentic relationships (because they've never had one) but are very good at mimicking them for the purpose of pretense and control of one's (anyone's) emotions.

Can narcissist punish you by not sending you money after he abandons you?

Probably, they do. They dont care about anyone

Does treating a narcissist with indifference infuriate them?

Depends how narcissistic they are... they may be so self-absorbed they might not notice what anyone else thinks of them. Unless they are attention-seeking and need everyone to know just how fabulous they think they are.

Can a codependent and a narcissist be together?

Why would ANYONE want to be with a narcissist? A codependent would be about the only type of personality that could tolerate being with a narcissist, and they will pay a terrible price. Dump the narcissist and get some help with the codependency. ACOA, CODA, Al-anon and Nar-anon are as close as your telephone.