

Can a folder contain other folders?

Updated: 12/8/2022
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14y ago

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Yes. You simply make a folder, then open it, then right click, then left click "New", then left click "Folder." Done. That easy. Or if you have an old one button mouse click on your folder and click new---> new folder.

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Q: Can a folder contain other folders?
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What is the structure of files and folders called?

folder structure is where you have difffrent files for diffrent things

What is the difference between a computer file and a computer directory?

Files A file on a computer system is any block of information being stored on the drive of that system. Files are used to hold all the information that makes a computer system function. Furthermore, most people have plenty of personal computer files with their own content within. For example, any text document you create and save on your computer is saved as a file. This also includes music, video and other application files that contain content for the user or functions for the computer itself. Folders Every computer system comes with a file system to keep all its files organized in groups. Folders serve to hold files inside them as well as other sub-folders and subsequent files. Folders help sort all the files on a system so the user (or the computer itself) can find and access files in an easier and more coherent fashion than just arranging all the files in one single directory. Many people have common folders on their computer such as a pictures folder and a music folder. Most folders can hold as much information as the computer can store on its drive and can hold any type of files. It would be possible to store photos in the music folder if the user so desired. Differences While files and folders are both stored on a computer drive, they are different items and each serves a specific purpose. While files store all the physical computer data within themselves, they are located somewhere within the directory located on the computer. These directories are also known as folders and contain all the files on the system.

How do you make a folder without naming?

You cannot. All folders must have a name otherwise it would be impossible to refer to them. You can, however, use a non-printing character to name the folder, such as a single space. However, not all operating systems will allow this.

I copied the folders and files from Linux bootable CD and now i want to make bootable CD from files and folder which I've copied How can i do this?

The easiest way is to not copy the files and folders in the first place, just copy the CD itself. If you want to make a bootable CD from scratch, most CD-burning software includes that option. If you don't have that option, there are plenty of freeware tools on the internet that you can download for this purpose. Typically you will create an ISO image of the CD from a folder structure and then burn the image.

How do I write a batch file to search recursive folders for a list of partial file names with wildcards and then delete the files?

No need for a batch file, the following commands will do it: CD folder FOR /F %i IN (files.txt) DO DEL %i /P /F /S The CD command sets the current folder. All deletions will occur in the specified folder and its sub-folders. The files.txt file must be a list of file names (wildcards permitted) with one file name per line. If this file does not reside in the current folder you must specify the fully-qualified path or the relative path (relative to the current folder). The FOR loop essentially executes the DEL command for each file in files.txt. The DEL command line switches are: /P (prompt for confirmation before deleting each file) /F (force delete read-only files) /S (recurse through sub-folders of the current folder). To suppress prompting, remove /P but add /Q (quiet mode) to suppress prompting on global wildcards. For more help on this, enter DEL /? at the command prompt. For more help on the FOr command, type FOR /? at the command prompt. If used in a command script (.cmd) or batch file (.bat), replace %i with %%i. The only real advantage of using a batch file (other than to save a bit of typing) is that you can also pass the root folder and the file containing your file list as parameters (identified by %1, %2, etc).

Related questions

Can a folder contain a directory and a file?

A folder is a directory. Folders can be inside other folders, and so can files...

Can a folder only contain files?

You can have both files and folders in other folders. Sometimes they are referred to as sub-folders to indicate that they are inside another one.

What are the different type of folder?

There are two types of folders: • Container Folders, which can only hold or contain other folders (sub-folders). They are usually used for organizing the content. • Application Folders, which contain applications such as chat, files, images, calendar, HTML pages, and so on.

What is the purpose of a synchronization folder?

The purpose of synchronization folder is to share the original folder contents to other folders in remote locations. When changing contents in the sync folder the other folders update as well.

What are subdirectories or folders?

Computers store data in a series of directories. Each directory, or folder, may contain files or other directories. If a directory is located within another directory, it is called a sub-directory (or sub-folder) of that folder.

What is a folder in a computer?

Windows XP folders are also known as directories

What is the differences between file and folder?

* Folders are where "files" are kept. * Files are saved to "folders".

What is different between a file and a folder?

A folder holds a set of files ----- in IT a file (like a .doc document) holds user data, while a folder is a place where a number of files can be grouped for convenience (like 'my documents'). Folders can also hold other folders making the whole storage structure a tree. BY JOHN KARL VIDALLO BAUTISTA

How do you put a folder inside a folder on an I pad?

You cannot put folders inside of folders, but now you can have pages inside folders which allows you to have as many apps as you want inside the folder.

What can Mac OS X folders contain?

anything, even other folders.

When you compress the folders in a folder the original folders are stored in the new compressed folder true or false?


What is the plural of folder?

The plural form of folder is folders.