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No, Fire belly toads have some toxins in them that may not be good for other frogs.

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Q: Can a fire belly toad live with frogs from the mill creek?
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Related questions

Do fire belly toads live in water?

they are like any other frogs, they live in humid areas and live on both land and (mostly) water.

Can fire belly newts eat fish food?

newts can live with brine shrimp , most likely frogs and of corse other newts

Where do fire belly toads live?

fire belly toads live in south America some where in the deserts

Can goldfish and fire belly frogs live in the same tank?

Goldfish should only live with goldfish with the exception of weather (dojo) loaches, bristlenose plecos, or mystery/apple snails.

What aquatic animal can live with a fire belly toad?


What is the fire belly toads origin?

They live at South America

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Where does the fire bellied frog live?

The fire bellied frogs live in northeastern China, Korea, Southern Japan, And southern parts of Russia.

Do poisonous frogs have red spots?

They are called Fire Bellied Toads and no they are a common pet but frogs are going extinct.U have to feed them live crickets.

What prevents frogs to live on land?

frogs do live on land. not all species of frogs live in water.

Can birds live with fire belly toads?

No. The bird might try to eat the frog. Not to mention they live in two very different environments.

Can fire belly frogs and toads be together?

I have a terrarium with two red eared sliders, and 2 fire bellied toads along with many fish and other aquatic animals. I was wondering the same question. I have had mine living in a 100 gallon tank with my turtles for about a month now and they seem to get along. In fact, today the frogs were hanging onto the shell of my turtle enjoying a nice little ride. As far as I can tell, as long as there is plenty of food in your tank for the turtles to eat and not think of your frogs as prey they should be fine, but like I said I'm not sure.