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Usually it starts as a normal URI (upper respitory infection) and without treatment or if antibiotics are not responding as well as they should, it can progress into pneumonia. That's how I have seen it, but there maybe other ways.


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Q: Can a dog catch pneumonia from a human?
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Is dog pneumonia contagious to cats?

Bacterial pneumonia may occur in both dogs and cats. It is highly contagious between dogs but cats cannot catch it from a dog.

Can a human catch parvovirus from a dog?

Canine Parvovirus is only specific to the dog. It cannot be transmitted to a human.

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Pneumonia isn't contagious.

Can dogs catch human bugs?

they can start sneezing and they can catch rabies from us but its not common for a dog to get a bug from us.

Can a dog catch a upper respiratory infection from a human?

Some, but not the common cold.

Can you get pneumonia by kissing someone with pneumonia?

You can catch any bacterial sickness by exchanging saliva.

Is dog pneumonia contagious to humans?


Which gender gets pneumonia?

no pneumonia doesn't effect the gender because pneumonia can affect anyone because they could catch it.

How does a dog or cat catch a fly better than we can swat them?

because a dog has way faster reflexes than any human

When dogs have worms and humans catch it can it kill the human?

No a man or woman can not get worms from a dog. If you dog gets worm tell your vet.

Can a goat give a dog pneumonia?

No a goat can not give your dog pneumonia Pneumonia is a secondary opportunistic infection that followed some other health problem with your goat. It is pretty easily treatable in goats with some pen-g, and there are no worries of your dog contracting it. If you dog does get sick, it is entirely unrelated.

Can humans catch a stomach virus from dogs?

Mammals in most cases are susceptible to the same viruses.