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Yes there are special phones they can get for free

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Q: Can a disabled person use a telephone?
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Who was the first person to use the telephone?

Alexander Grham Bell invented the telephone

How does a blind person use the potty?

if you are blind you are considered disabled. the only way this person can use the bathroom is by using catheters.

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Who was the fist person to use the telephone?

Alexander Graham Bell.

What is the correct term to use when referring to a person with a physical or mental handicap?

Disabled, or for a person with a mental disability, you can use the term "mentally challenged."

What is a telephone and its use?

A telephone is a device that transmits a person's voice through wires (or through fiber optic cables) over long distances, enabling that person to speak to another person who also has a telephone. The telephone is a much earlier and more basic invention than the computer, and indeed, computers use the existing system of telephone wires for their own long distance communication purposes.

Can your disabled parking permit be used in your car onlyor on your sons car when he drives you?

the permit is for the disabled person,not the vehicle. you are allowed to use it for any vehicle you ride in or drive.

Who was the first ever person to use a telephone?

Alexander Graham Bell was the first person to use a telephone when he called his research assistant, Mr. Watson, to aid him after he spilled acid on himself. Watson heard the call only over the telephone.

Can a person who is disabled lose there disabilty if they get a fake leg?

No, they will still be disabled.

Does a disabled person have a healthy mind?

disabled people can easily have healthy minds

What happens if someone gifts a property to a disabled person?

The fact that the person is disabled makes no difference in terms of tax or law.