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Q: Can a court in mass garnish your wages in pa?
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Can a creditor garnish wages in PA?

Wages can be garnished in the state of PA. The creditor needs to go to court, and get a judgment against you, and garnishment will begin in approximately one month.

Can a creditor garnish your wages in Pennsylvania?

No They can are in one of the safe states. Texas and North and South Carolina along with Pa are safe states that can not garnish wages.

When a collection agency buys your charge-off can they take you to court and garnish your wages?

Yes. They can sue you and if they win a judgment your wages can be garnished as long as you are in a state that allows wage garnishment. If you are in TX, PA, NC, or SC, wages cannot be garnished for this type of debt.

Can credit card debt collectors take you to court in Pennsylvania?

yes you can be taken to court however if you have no assets really all it will affect is your credit score and some harrassing calls, since it is illegal to garnish your wages in pa

What states allow creditors to garnish wages?

All states EXCEPT: NC, SC, TX and PA.

You live in Ohio and work in PA can they garnish your wages?

You cannot collect unemployment in another state that you weren't working in. Most of the time you cannot collect unemployment if you were terminated. This is particularly true in an at will state like Ohio.

Can Sallie Mae garnish wages?

Not in all states. Not in Texas or Florida NOT TRUE! Federal laws supercede state laws.I live in Florida and Sallie Mae garnished my wages the answer is false...State laws supercede when it betters the people. In Pennsylvania Sallie Mae can not garnish wages. This fact. If you sign a letter at the time of signing the loan stating you let them garnish wage now that's different story.Still in PA if you sign a letter stating that they still can't.

Can they garnish your wages in NJ for unpaid rent in pa when evicted?

no I don't think so but they will send it to collection agency and u may have a hard time renting again

Can the bank garnish your wages or put a lien on your house for a voluntary repossession in Pennsylvania? search the PA code vol. will make no difference

Owe Capital One 1300 and aspire 950 can they garnish your wages?

A person's wages can only be garnished after due process of law. A lawsuit won by the creditor will result in a judgment award which may possibly be used as a wage garnishment. Four states do not allow the garnishment of wages for creditor debt, they are Texas, PA., S.C. and N.C.

Can a mobile home finance company place liens and garnish wages after repossessing a mobile home or can you just leave it as a bad debt that will haunt you for 7-8 years and then go away?

After the mobile home is repossessed they will try to sell it. You will be liable for the difference of what you owed less what they got for it. They can sue you for that amount and if they win a judgment against you they can place liens on property or your person, sieze bank accounts and garnish wages. Wages cannot be garnished in TX, PA, NC, or SC. No debt EVER just 'goes away' and its presence or absence from your credit reports does not alter attempts to collect a debt.

If your car is repossessed in the state of Pa. can your wages be garnished?

READ your contract.