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No. A Muslim can not marry a Hindu - under any circumstances - until the Hindu renounces their belief and becomes a Muslim, a Jew or a Christian (those who believe in the One God of Abraham).

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Q: Can a Hindu woman marry a Muslim man according Hindu rituals?
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Can Hindu boy marry Muslim woman as per Hindu rituals without changing religion of woman?

No, because the Muslim woman should not marry a non-Muslim man. If the woman does marry a Hindu, the marriage would not be legal according to the religion's law.

Can a hindhu man marry a Muslim girl?

Yes he can why not. according to Islam, the Hindu has to convert or they should not marry. If a Muslim marries a Hindu, they will be out the sphere of Islam.

Hindu boy love Muslim girl?

The Hindu is asked to become Muslim. Muslim girl is not allowed to marry him unless he converts.

Can a Muslim boy marry a Hindu girl without creating much scene in a place like India?

In Islam , a muslim is not allowed to marry a hindu girl , but a muslim can marry Ahle Kitab i.e. a christian or jewish girl .

Do Hindu girl have to change name when married to Muslim guy?

Well a Muslim man is not allowed to marry a Hindu woman anyway according to shariah and so name changing wouldn't even come to be

Can you possible to Hindu girl marry with Muslim married person?

you are Hindu from India who want to get marry ith a pakistaani girl. is this possible ?

Should a Hindu girl convert to Islam to marry a Muslim boy that she loves?

According to Hinduism, a Hindu girl or boy can marry from any religion.However, according to Islamic marriage rules, a Muslim can marry only a Muslim, Jewish, or Christian. However, if the girl or boy is neither Muslim, Christian, or Jewish (as Hindu or Buddhist or Atheist) then he / she should convert to Islam to be able to marry the Muslim boy or girl.Another view:Love and attraction has no bounds. Those who realize that the God is ONE and all humans are same can marry anyone from any society. Marriage is an understanding between two souls to live together in love.Laws change country to country and if the law of your country allows you to marry without converting - you can marry and live in harmony.

Can a Muslim girl marry a married Hindu boy legally?

According to Hinduism, a Hindu girl or boy can marry from any religion.However, according to Islamic marriage rules, a Muslim can marry only a Muslim, Jewish, or Christian. However, if the girl or boy is neither Muslim, Christian, or Jewish (as Hindu or Buddhist or Atheist) then he / she should convert to Islam to be able to marry the Muslim boy or girl.Another view:Love and attraction has no bounds. Those who realize that the God is ONE and all humans are same can marry anyone from any society. Marriage is an understanding between two souls to live together in love.Laws change country to country and if the law of your country allows you to marry without converting - you can marry and live in harmony.

How can a Muslim married man marry a Hindu girl without divorse to Muslim wife and without informing first wife?

muslim man can't marry without telling his wives and they have the choice to stay with him or not Muslim man can marry muslim woman or woman belive in god ex: christian or Jewish .

Can a Muslim grl maryy a Hindu boy and after marriage she will be Hindu too is this against law?

According to Hinduism, a Hindu girl or boy can marry from any religion.However, according to Islamic marriage rules, a Muslim can marry only a Muslim, Jewish, or Christian. However, if the girl or boy is neither Muslim, Christian, or Jewish (as Hindu or Buddhist or Atheist) then he / she should convert to Islam to be able to marry the Muslim boy or girl.Another view:Love and attraction has no bounds. Those who realize that the God is ONE and all humans are same can marry anyone from any society. Marriage is an understanding between two souls to live together in love.Laws change country to country and if the law of your country allows you to marry without converting - you can marry and live in harmony.

What are the formalities of marriage for a Hindu bride and Muslim groom?

A muslim man can get only take in marriage a muslim, jew or christian women. A muslim women can only marry a muslim man. only People Of The Book(which Hindus are not). a muslim(boy or girl) can not marry a Hindu, Buddist, athiest ect. try to get the hindu bride to become muslim and see the correct path.

What shariyat a Muslim girl has to follow if she want to marry a Hindu boy?

The marriage between a Muslim girl & a Hindu guy is forbidden whatever is the creed of that Muslim girl. She can be married to that Hindu guy only if he becomes a Muslim.