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No, because the mother is the supply of oxygen and nutrients.

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Q: Can a 5 and half month old fetus live inside a dead mother?
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Can a sac or yolk sac grow with a dead fetus inside?

No, a sac grows to accommodate the fetus and if the fetus us dead it does not grow anymore.

What is the term used to describe the removal of a dead fetus from a dead mother?

Delicious ;)

What happens to the dead fetus inside a dead mother?

Both needs to be examined to see what the cause of death is and then the family can decide if they should be buried together or separately. Usually it's together.

Why at seven month of gestation fetus birth is alive and at eight month fetus is dead in humans?

Wouldn't know unless there was more detail. There are many circumstances that can cause a miscarriage or a birth ending in stillbirth prematurely.

Can a dead baby live in a woman for years?

You mean can a woman live with a dead baby. The answer is yes, however the dead fetus could cause complications and may eventually kill the mother.

If you are having twins and one dies how long can the dead fetus stay inside you?

If there is no risk to the other baby, then you can go to full term, or even premature labor. The fetus will have past on and eventually deminimize.

Is vomiting a symptom of dead fetus inside mother's womb?

No, quite the opposite. Vomiting is very common in pregnancy due to the extra hormones. It is most common during the early stages (1-12 weeks) and is not a sign that the baby has died.

Can you get sick if you have a dead baby in your stomach?

If the fetus dies the mothers body will reject it and pass the baby out of the body, to protect the mother. The condition is known as "Stillborn"

How do you take care of a three month old baby whose mother is dead?

ask petco

When having a miscarriage when does the fetus die?

The fetus is generally already dead when the miscarriage occurs.

How long can a dead fetus remain in the womb?

Some fetus' need to be removed, but most will come out (if before 12 weeks) usually after 12 weeks it will be removed, it is very dangerous that the fetus is still in the mother, this can cause blood poisoning which can lead to death of the mother if not treated fast. Although, in rare cases fetuses have been known to remain for years and even decades.

What happens if a dead 4 month fetus gos undetected?

You will get infections since the remains start to deteriorate. Fever, stomach pains, discolored and smelly discharge etc.