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Yes,but it depends on what type of guineapigs they are.

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Q: Can a 3 yr old female guinea pig live with a 4 yr old male together without having babies?
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Can you leave two female guinea pigs together after one has had babies?


What guinea pigs can live together?

male+female= babies male+male = might fight female+female= might become friends

Can female guinea pigs have babies without a male guinea pig?

Not unless some form of artificial insemination is being used to impregnate them. Female guinea pigs cannot self-impregnate.

Can a female guinea pig have babies with out a male one?

No. There must be a male and a female for the guinea pigs to have offspring.

What is a guinea female guinea pig called after she has surgery so that she can no longer have babies?


Do female guinea pigs bite other female guinea pigs?

no because they are both female but they would fight if they wanted to make babies with a male.

Can guinea pigs have babies without a male?

No, they need to mate to have babies.

Can female guinea pigs have babies without male guinea pigs?

Not unless it is the father, take out the father 2 weeks before birth as the mother can become pregnant 2 hours after birth, this is fatal to the baby's and mother, the father may kill the baby's if left in same cage after birth. thank you hope i helped

How many babies does a female guinea have?

A guinea pig will average around 3 or 4 babies in a litter, but the range can be 1-8! Good luck! :]

Do female guinea pig have to mate to have babies?

Yes, guinea pigs must mate to produce offspring.

Can all female guinea pigs have babies?

Most can if they are old enough

What is the most babies a guinea pig has ever had?

well in one go a female guinea pig can have 20 babies sbut the most i have seen n one go are 60