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Well, define normal. The truth is, it depends on the individual. Mental retardation is common in Down syndrome, but the degree varies greatly. Some people with Down Syndrome are able to live independently, work in the community, even go to university. Others are not as capable and require more assistance. The important thing is to remember that a person with Down Syndrome has strengths and weaknesses just like anyone else. Early interventions, educational programs, and family support can help to identify and augment those strengths giving the child the best chance to fulfill his potential and live a happy full life.

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12y ago

The answer is NO. They are not normal every day people. They will live a normal life of a normal Down syndrome person.

I believe you mean how long will they live?

They can live as long as any human if they are cared for and healthy. I know a down syndrome man that is 68 years old and still going strong. They can go to school and to college. They can hold down a job but not any job. Just as a blind person cannot drive a school bus, down syndrome individuals have limitations as well.

The answer can not be yes or no but it depends on the disability caused by the affects and the start of the treatment. The example I have quoted about the affect of eye sight of a teacher on grand children is limited and they live a normal life. I had a son with problem at birth who died at age 10 years . My Chairman at Electronics Engineering Depart looking quite healthy at age over 40 years told me in confidence that he might die due to Down Syndrome of heart attack in his family. His father and brother had died suddenly . I heard after few months that he died suddenly.

My Uncle is 68 yrs old, down syndrome and still living in an apartment, He has out lived his brother and parents. Their is times when "normal" people die at early ages as well.

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13y ago

Downs Syndrome has quite varied impacts on the people it affects. Some are badly affected and need permanent caregivers, others have only a minor affliction and can lead close to normal lives.

If people can lead fully normal lives they are not then classified as having Downs Syndrome.

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13y ago

Down syndrome is something you are born with and die with; it is not a condition that someone can "outgrow."

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Q: Can Down syndrome live normal
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What can be done for down syndrome?

It could be possible to live a normal life if you have Down Syndrome if you get alot of support from family, friends, anyone close to you really

Is it good to have down syndrome?

it is better to have up syndrome People with Down Syndrome have the ability to live normal and happy lives, however, I would not go so far as to say that it is good to have Down Syndrome. It is a genetic abnormality and given the choice, it would be better not to have it.

How long will will you live with usher syndrome?

people with ushers syndrome will have a normal life expectancy

Is it common for a person with Down syndrome to marry someone who doesn't have Down syndrome?

People with Down syndrome are no different from the rest of us, except they look slightly different and are not able to do as many things as "normal" people. Therefore, unless they have a severe case of Down syndrome, they should have normal marriage ceremonies.

Can Down Syndrome be prevented by testing couples blood?

No. Parents of Down Syndrome typically are normal genetically and there is no test for parents to determine the possibility of a Down Syndrome offspring. There are no known external factors that are known to contribute to Down Syndrome. It is possible to test for Down Syndrome in the fetus.

Are children of Down Syndrome parents normal?

That would mean that the mother is the one with Down syndrome, since men with Down syndrome are sterile. There is a 50% chance that the child will have Down syndrome and 50% chance that child will be born without.

How is it possible for two people with down syndrome to produce a normal healthy child?

no because since they both have down syndrome, they will have 100 percent that they will have a down syndrome baby

Can a child with down syndrome live as long as a normal person?

Yes. Along with the Down they often have other physical problems such as enlarged hearts and immune problems, so they often die of something other than Down syndrome directly. Many die in their teen or early adult years.

Can you die from the triple x syndrome?

No, you can not die from Triple X syndrome. Your are going to live a normal life .

Where do most children with down syndrome live?

Usually they live with their supportive family.

What age do downs syndrome live to?

In 1910, a baby born with Down syndrome often didn't live to age 10. Today, someone with Down syndrome can expect to live to age 60 and beyond, depending on the severity of health problems.

How long do people with nail-patella syndrome live?

They live normal, long, healthy lives. The syndrome has been in my family for generations, and many live 85 years ore longer.