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Q: By the beginning of the 1900s the had become the leading industrial nation in the world?
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Beginning in 1899 the Open Door policy increased trade between the US and which nation?


Why did Palastine become the center of conflict after World War 2?

because the allies decided to basically turn an Islamic nation into a Jewish nation, sparking revolts from Arabs, and Palestinians.

What distinct advantage did industrialized European nations have over the non-industrialized nation?

There were many advantages of being a industrialized nation compared to being a nonindustrialized nation. Industrial European nations had greater unearthed quantities of raw material, greater trading ability and the growth of the people brought more inventions and the need to expand which is a good thing.

Why did China become communists?

People's Republic of China became a communist nation because of its previous weak democratic government. Chinese government wanted to control the country by itself without having others to interfere. The communist government wanted China to become a strong nation and not to become under control by other countries (Ex: Great Britain and japan used to control China). The communists were came from Soviet Union, they might believed that Soviet Union became a strong nation b/c of its communism policy.

How did the Victorian age get its name?

An English era is only named after a monarch, when the nation had experienced significant historical events during a monarch's reign. The Victorian era is the period associated with Queen Victoria's reign (1837-1901), it was an important era of the United Kingdom that marked the height of the British Industrial Revolution, and the apex of the British Empire. Queen Victoria had the longest reign in British history, and the cultural, political, economic, industrial and scientific changes that occurred during her reign were remarkable.

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What country had become the leading industrial nation in the world by the beginning of the 1900s?

United States, swag!

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England was the leading European industrial nation in the 1700s.

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In the 1800s

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The wants of Alexander Hamilton