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When we exercise energy is needed to perform processes such as muscle contraction and nerve transmission. This energy comes in the form of the molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP). In the cell, aerobic respiration converts glucose and oxygen into carbon dioxide and water to produce ATP. This occurs in many stages to gradually release this ATP energy from the glucose. When oxygen is unavailable or insufficient, such as during vigorous excerise, some ATP can be obtained from anaerobic respiration. This allows for a quick burst of energy such as when sprinting but produces the waste product lactic acid which causes muscle fatigue as it builds up. After exercise the lactic acid can be broken down with more oxygen.

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9y ago

Mitochondria known as cell's powerhouse. It carry out the cellular respiration process such as Kreb's cycle, ETC and oxidative phosphorylation that make ATPs or Energy. It make energy from the pathways where sugar is being digested (glycolysis) in cytoplasm.

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10y ago

ATP is made in mitochondria.ATP is the currency of energy.

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8y ago

They must function harder. That is to fulfill energy

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Q: What happens to mitochondria during exercise?
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