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i believe what your looking for is, the writs of assistance.

As above, it is indeed the Writ of Assistance. It is in effect a 'goods chaser' as it only entiles officers (Customs officers) to search for goods and not say, documentary evidence (although obviously any smuggled goods found will end up being 'evidence'). It is supposedly much envied by the police and also much misunderstood - it can certainly not be used at will for any purpose and can only be authorised in very specific circumstances.

Each Writ is actually an old 'parchment' style document in olde worlde language that is signed by a representative of the monarch (usually a Customs Commissioner I think) in the year of the monarchs accession.

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Q: Blank Search warrants which allowed British customs officers to enter any house or board ships looking for smuggled goods?
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Search warrants that allowed british soldiers to enter homes?

British soldiers were given writs of assistance that allowed them to conduct searches. This angered many colonists who argued the writs violated their rights.

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Writs of assistance were the special forms which allowed tax collectors to search for smuggled goods. Classified as general warrants, they did not expire and the holding party of this writ could search anywhere, at anytime.

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He allowed them to obtain general writs of assistance so that they could be allowed to enter any location to search for smuggled goods. (The 'writs of assistance' was legal documents that allowed customs officers to enter any location to search for smuggled goods.)

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Writs of Assistance

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Because it allowed customs officers to enter any location to search for smuggled goods

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A writ of assistance is an order instructing law enforcement to perform a certain task. It commonly is used to enforce an order for the possession of lands or property. They were originally authorized by the British Exchequer in 1660 to that customs agents could search for smuggled items.

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The Writs of Assistance allowed British officials to issue blank warrants in America. That meant that those officials could search a house without having to explain to cause. As one of the intolerable acts, the Writs angered the Massachusetts colonist and sent them closer to rebellion. It also inspired one of the guaranteed rights in the Bill of Rights; the one dealing with warrants.

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