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Q: Band seen in striated muscle that contains only thick filaments is called?
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What is the cause of the banding pattern visible in striated muscle?

The combination of thick and thin filaments create a banding pattern in striated muscle. This banding pattern is caused by muscle fibers being packed with organelles called myofibrils.

Which muscle is also called striated striated muscle?


What are the thin filaments in striated muscle?

Actino myosin is the thin protein found in muscles.

What are actin and myosin and are they organized iin a muscle?

Thick filaments are made of the protein myosin and thin filaments are made of the protein actin. Myosin and actin filaments are arranged to form and overlapping pattern which gives muscle tissue its striated appearance.

Is skeletal muscle is called striated muscle?


Is the skeletal muscle sometimes called the striated muscle?


What type of muscle is called striated moscle?

Skeletal muscle.

Is the Skeletal muscle is sometimes called striated muscle.?


Does gullet have muscles?

The esophagus contains varying amounts of striated muscle.

What type of muscle tissue is not striated and not under voluntary control?

Smooth muscle is not striated and is not under voluntary control. Your digestive system contains smooth muscle that is involuntary, which causes the digested food to move along the digestive tract in a motion called peristalsis.

Structure of muscle?

the sacromere, contains two kinds of filaments.

How do you describe the cardiac muscle?

Cardiac muscle is involuntary striated muscle. The cells of cardiac muscle have only one nucleus. The layer of the heart that contains cardiac muscle is called the myocardium.