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Mitosis a process more simply explained as regeneration of cells, as it is most significant in that process. The cells of our body replicate (clone themselves) as needed. For instance, if you cut your hand, the skin cells will regenerate in the process of mitosis, and so will all cells, except those of reproductive cells which use meiosis. To answer your question: our skin endures micro damage all the time and as regeneration is performed in mitosis, it also occurs all the time.

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Q: At what time does mitosis occur in the human body?
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In a human body give an example of a where mitosis may occur Give an example of where meiosis would occur?

Any time when a cell needs to replicate, it goes through mitosis. The only cells that don't go through mitosis are sex cells.

When do you see mitosis?

Mitosis, or the splitting and replication of cells, occurs all the time in the human body. It is hard to observe unless there are special conditions.

Which occurs more frequently in your body mitosis or meiosis?

Mitosis occur more frequently in our body. Basically mitosis occur when we get an injury or is an asexual type of reproduction. It occurs at the time of cell division and our cells need to divide often. While meosis is form of sexual reproduction and it does not occur quite often . Also, meiosis occurs more in men than in women. Look at it this way Mitosis splits once as meosis splits twice and they're not identical

Can mitosis and meiosis occur at the same time?

No,Meiosis is done in the gonads to produce gametes and it produce 4 haploid cells while mitosis happens ia all body cells producing two daughter cells diploid similar to the parent cell

Does condensation of the chromosomes occur during mitosis?

Yes it occurs during prophase, the first phase of mitosis. This is the only time when we can see the physical shapes of the cell's chromosomes.

Where is the highest percentage of active mitosis in your body?

10% are undergoing mitosis at any given time. the rest obviously are in G1, S, or G2 phase

What is more common in humans meiosis or mitosis?

Mitosis occurs in our somatic cells and Meiosis occur in our reproductive cells, gametes Most of the time our body is under the influence of mitosis which replace the old and worn out cells with new one's whereas the Meiotic type of division occurs at a specific time in the life of an organism's development. The chromosome number in mitotic division remains the same whereas in meiotic division the chromosomes number is halved

What would happen if mitosis did not occur?

If mitosis didn't occur, any part of a living being where cells are destroyed (stomach, kidneys etc) for whatever purpose, would cease to function after a relatively short amount of time (a few years at best, depending on the amount of cells that part normally has). A living being's body parts would also never grow. They would stay the same size since they were born. The only upside is that, without mitosis, cancer wouldn't occur.

Why is da vinci's human body drawing significant?

It was the first time that anyone had actually drawn the human body accurately. Leonardo da Vinci's drawing of the human body were used by anatomists and doctors for a long time.

Which is not the best time for human body to rehydrate?

9 am

Can the human body conform over time?

The body is conforming all the time to stresses and strains. This is called homeostasis.

Why does everyone?

The human body wears out. There is a time to be born and a time to die. This is inescapable.