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Q: Are the turtles on the Iranian space ship coming back to earth?
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Related questions

What is the opposite of space shuttle?

A UFO? Because we don't know what it is and it is coming from space, to earth, and returning to space.

How did the space shuttle help life on earth?

It makes us know if there is a meteor coming or to where the earth is.

What do you call a space rock while it is coming through the Earth's atmosphere?

Meteora meteoroid

The name of the space shuttle that expoded in 2003 coming back into earth's atmosphere?


What prevents electrically charged particles coming from space space from reaching the earth's surface?

The Earth's magnetic field, although it does not deflect all charged particles; it only deflects most of them.

What was the third animal in space?


Where do turtles take up space?

there head

When are astronauts in space weightless?

i like turtles

How people get in space?

Via a rocket. They are blasted up and then they float around a bit before coming back to earth.

How does a space shuttle resist gravity when coming back to Earth?

Friction with the atmosphere counter acts the pull of gravity.

Why is the International Space Station there?

The ISS was made to research space and it surroundings so that when the crew come back to Earth they can tell everyone what is in our way and if anything dangerous is coming

Does most of the turtles shell take its butt space?
