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Not at present. There are many rumors and hoaxes going around saying that the supervolcano at Yellowstone is going to erupt soon. One reason is the common misconception that Yellowstone is "overdue" for an eruption. Many will state that the volcano erupts at regular intervals of 600,000 years and the last eruption was 640,000 years ago. This is only partly true. The volcano, at its present location, has had 3 super eruptions 2.1 million, 1.3 million, and 640,000 year ago. This gives us intervals of 800,000 and 660,000 years. The volcano has also had a number of smaller, though still rather large eruptions similar in size that have occurred at other volcanoes in historic times. Eruptions such as these could be disruptive, but not apocalyptic. Analysis of the magma chamber under Yellowstone suggests that the molten rock has partly solidified and, in its current state, is not capable of producing a major eruption.

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Q: Are the super volcanoes likely to erupt?
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