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I have had three children and each pregnancy symptoms was different so to your answer yes and no so really no one can really tell you that answer because everyone is different.

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Q: Are the premenstrual symptoms similar to the pregnancy symptoms?
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Can premenstrual symptoms be same as that of pregnancy?

Some symptoms can be the same you should consult a doctor

Are pregnancy symptoms and UTI symptoms the same?

UTI often involves defamation, pregnancy has a similar measure but is instead a simple remderion.

What symptoms should you expect during your second week of pregnancy?

This webpage should be able to ask your question During your second week you won't even know you are pregnant so you will just get premenstrual symptoms.

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Can a sign of pregnancy be the feeling of getting period?

Yes, the symptoms are similar.

How soon after intercourse do you notice pregnancy signs?

Most fertility experts will tell you that you won't have any pregnancy signs or symptoms until the embryo implants in the uterus. This can happen about the time you miss your period but for most women, pregnancy signs & symptoms will not kick in noticeably until you are 6 weeks pregnant (about 2 weeks after you miss your period). Some women don't have any pregnancy signs or symptoms except for a missed period! Anecdotally, many women who have posted on the internet & have discussed pregnancy signs & symptoms will tell you that they knew right away or a few days before their periods were due. If you are very in tune with your body, you may notice small changes right away. However, remember, most of the early pregnancy signs & symptoms are very similar to premenstrual symptoms and it is often difficult to know the difference until you miss a period.

Difference between premenstrual breast pain and breast pain during pregnancy?

Premenstrual breast pain and breast pain during pregnancy feel the same and occur for the same hormonal reasons. If you think you might be pregnant, take a pregnancy test.

Can you feel pregnancy flutters but not be pregnant?

Pregnancy flutters are only for women who are pregnant. If you are not pregnant and believe you have it, it is something else with similar symptoms.

What does psm mean if your doing a project about puberty?

PMS means premenstrual syndrome. It is a collection of emotional symptoms with or without the physical symptoms.

Could you be experiencing premenstrual asthma symptoms but still be pregnant?

You can experience PMS symptoms and be pregnant yes. But if you get your period then you aren't pregnant.

Whats going on Pregnancy symptoms and now achy uterus and slow to medium flow red blood?

You should go to the doctor immediately. Could be having a miscarriage. Or, pregnancy symptoms are very similar to period symptoms. Did you start your period?

What does it mean to have tender breast on the sides an under for 3 plus days?

There could be several reasons why your breasts might feel tender on the side and underneath. Tender breasts can be part of premenstrual symptoms and can also be a sign of pregnancy.