

Are the methods or members of static class static?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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A static class may or may not have static members. Adding the static keyword to the class definition won't change this.

Note that an inner class which is not static may not contain static members (unless those members are also declared final).

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Q: Are the methods or members of static class static?
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What kinds of members can a class have?

Members of a class may include 1. Static Methods 2. non-static methods 3. Instance variables 4. Sub classes etc.

Why is it not advisable to use this pointer with static members?

It is not inadvisable, it is impossible. Static member methods do not have access to a this pointer since they are not associated with any instance. Static members are scoped to the class, not to an object (an instance of the class). Only instance members have access to the this pointer.

What is static class?

A static class is a class where all the members are declared static.

Can a method be static and synchronized?

Yes. In Java methods can be static and synchronized. Static methods access other static members in the class. Static in case of inheritance are treated as non - static. Synchronized methods are those which have dedicated thread attached to it and no other can access until currrent thread leaves the control from it.

When do you declare a member as static in java?

You declare a member static whenever the member should be regarded as being local to the class rather than being local to objects of the class. Static members are shared by all instances of the class. Static methods of a class differ from ordinary members in that they do not have an implicit "this" reference, which means they can be invoked even when no instances of the class exist.

How do you access the static variable and static methods of a class?

In java we access static variables and static methods without creating objects. i.e.,we can access directly by using classname we can also access static variables and static methods by using objects which are created by using class where the static variables and static methods are available

A static method may not be overriden to be non static?

Static methods can refer to instance variables and methods, as long as they are static as well. The reason you cannot mix nonstatic and static class members is because they have different scope. Static members are independent of any particular object, whereas nonstatic members are unique for each object that is instantiated. To clarify, consider the following class:class A{int x=0;static int y=1;}If three instances of A are created, 3 instances of x will also be created. Changing one of those x's has no effect on the others. However, only one instance of y will be created, regardless of how many A's are ever created. A change in y will be reflected in every A.Now, if you were to call A.y+=x, which x would you be referring to? 3 A's have been created, each with possibly different values of x. Because of the ambiguity of this, you will get a compiler error whenever you mix static and nonstatic members.

Math class is an example of which class?

It is a static class; meaning that all the methods can be accessed directly from the class name, without instantiating an object.It is a static class; meaning that all the methods can be accessed directly from the class name, without instantiating an object.It is a static class; meaning that all the methods can be accessed directly from the class name, without instantiating an object.It is a static class; meaning that all the methods can be accessed directly from the class name, without instantiating an object.

Which one executed first static block or static methods in java?

Static blocks and static methods in java are two types of class-level elements used for defining behavior that is associated with the class itself rather than the individual objects of the class. Therefore these both are executed at class-level, but there are some differences between the two. Static blocks in Java are defined using the 'static' keyword and are executed only once when the class is loaded into the memory. They are used for initializing static variables or performing tasks that must be done only once, like reading configuration files or setting up a database connection. Static block is executed once when the class is loaded into the java virtual machine. It is used for initializing the static variables or performing any other one-time setup that needs to happen before the class can be used. A static block can be used to read configuration files or for initializing the static variables that depend on some external factors. Below is the syntax of a static block Public class NinjaClass{ static{ //code } } A static method is defined using the static keyword, which is then followed by the method signature and method body. Static methods cannot access other static variables or methods of the class directly. It is a method associated with the class instead of individual class objects. They can be called on the class itself instead of on an instance of the class. For accessing non-static variables or methods, we need to create an instance of the class and use that instance to access the non-static members. Below is the syntax of static method: Public class NinjaClass{ Static void SaticMethod(){ //code } } Due to the order in which Java initializes its classes, static blocks are executed before static methods. Static blocks are executed before any other code in the class when a Java class is loaded into the memory. Therefore, static variables that are initialized in the static block will be initialized before any static methods are called.Java ensures that static variables are initialized before any other code in the class is executed. Static methods can be called and executed once the static variables are initialized. Therefore, Java developers need to understand the order in which static methods are executed for writing efficient code. In a class, static methods are executed in the order they appear. The execution depends on the order in which they are defined when the JVM loads a class. Static initializers are executed before any static method in the class.

Difference between static and non static constructor?

A static constructor is used to do anything you need done before any static methods are called such as static variable initialization. In Java (as in C#) when a static constructor is called is non-deterministic but will always be called before a static method on the same class.

Do static methods operate on objects why?

No. Why? By definition. A static method is, precisely, a method that is not meant to operate on an object. It can only work with static fields, and other static methods, of its class.

How you declare class scoped variables and member functions?

To scope class members to the class (rather than to instances of the class), declare them as static members of the class. Static members are accessible even when no instances of the class exist. As such, static member functions do not have access to a 'this' pointer, unlike ordinary (nonstatic) member functions.